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Everything posted by CayceG

  1. My issue is I (and lots of other people not as well off as I am) have only so much money and room for monthly subs! I have Patreon podcasts subscriptions that total almost $100 a year. I've got Amazon Prime and Spotify Premium. Hell, I'm stealing HBO and Disney! I can't pay for EVERYTHING I do. SOMETHING has to be free! These bastards can't make money off of everything. (Which, I understand full well that, yes, they can.) Even our leisure is capitalized to extract value from us. Fucking leeches.
  2. I hate capitalism so much. It really does feel like what I knew the internet to be is going away forever.
  3. I hit my rate limit right before severe weather moved through. Some local meteorologists do warnings and notifications on twitter and it really fucked them up.
  4. So instead of one chain there are two. And instead of two tires with a small contact area to the ground there are rubber treads with huge contact area. Instead of an efficient energy to speed gearing with a normal bike he has this slower-than-walking contraption. I fucking hate "engineering" videos like this. Innovation isn't taking something and making it more shit. This is an idiotic waste of material and effort for no benefit other than "look what I did!" He made something stupid. That's what.
  5. All restaurants should do this. Tipping culture, even if it is lucrative during some shifts, is bad for employees overall.
  6. These ATACAMS and cluster bombs are about to do exactly what they were designed to do: destroy Russians. So many Cold Warriors would be shooting ropes if they weren't all in on supporting Trump.
  7. I'll definitely watch this later. But stealing children is perhaps one of the worst atrocities perpetrated in this war. I've got experience working in children's summer camps in Ukraine. I did that for 4 summers in 2016 through 2019. The camp I went to was in the west of the country, but we got kids from all over the country. I try not to think about this, but I just wonder if any of the kids I interacted with in the summer camps were victims of this. This just makes my fucking blood boil.
  8. Everyone that believes in this whole UFO thing is either a mark getting worked into a shoot or a jabroni working their kayfabe.
  9. Bro, Putin has less juice than DeSantis. That speech was WEAK. He was right in that these statements, without exaggeration, DID determine the future of Russia. It was a lot of bluster. Not a lot of specifics for what the future looks like. And it eventually breaks down in the end before petering out.
  10. Recency bias. This has always happened. It may be a little more frequent recently due to a lot of factors with railroad attempts at cost cutting. But in general there's about 1,100 derailments a year. We're just hearing more about them because the news is choosing to highlight them.
  11. U.S. intelligence learned in mid-June Prigozhin was plotting uprising - The Washington Post WWW.WASHINGTONPOST.COM The intelligence fed concerns about whether Vladimir Putin would remain in power and what any instability could mean for control of Russia’s nuclear arsenal. LMFAO
  12. This has made Putin look weaker than even the Ukrainian strikes on Belgorod or their defense of Kyiv. His non-response to this may be just him not meeting my expectations for what I would imagine a response to be. But I don't think I'm alone in expecting those things! So Putin showed his hand and it's clear he isn't sitting on much. I bet a lot of would-be warlords and political challengers will be taking note of today. I just have no fucking clue who any of those people are.
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