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Everything posted by CayceG

  1. To put it another way, right wing Americans don't know they support the exact tenets of Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality. They feel an American national identity and recognize that there is a similar Russian national identity. They have specific conservative beliefs ordained and commanded by God and represented by their forefathers. Their holy books are the Bible and the Constitution. They share the end goal with how Russians see their end goal, even though the Constitutions, Churches, and Forefathers are different. They work for the same thing, ultimately. And Autocracy is held by the good, upstanding people that seek to fight for these values. In the US it's business owners and politicians and media figures who espouse the same ideology. Our American oligarchs. The American right wing may explain things differently than your typical Kremlin lackey. But when you strip away the details and the national color of each explanation, you get the same mindset and the same goals. A conservative nation run for and by the people who view themselves as exemplifying the National Identity. And anyone working against that is an enemy.
  2. In general, there's basically been a flip on the most hard line right wingers on Russia. It's less about Trump and more about culture war nonsense. That preceded Trump and has been growing for a while. The new Communistic Bad Guy is China. Russia, to the right wingers, is a shining example of how to meld church and state in a way the Founding Fathers intended. Trump was channeling Russia support/defense of Russia purely for personal reasons and didn't really go into any of this.
  3. Prigozhin has shitposted a little too hard and now has caught an investigation into his behavior by the FSB. I don't believe Prigozhin intended to launch a coup. I believe he is just a poster and he's gotten out over his skis with this latest rhetoric. As such, I fully believe the Wagner offices will be raided in the course of the investigation. Also, I received this alert upon hearing of the Shoigu/Prigozhin beef:
  4. The most temporary of fixes. This isn't pointing to any sort of failure in infrastructure construction. You'll notice that there's a Wile-E-Coyote style solid wall in the path of the local street that this bridge spanned. This gets the interstate back up and running, but it doesn't fix the entire problem. This section of highway is limited to 45 mph (to reduce the load on the road bed). A long lasting reconstruction (not a repair) of the bridge to allow travel on the street and the interstate is still needed and will probably take a year or more to design and construct. And that is because doing what they did isn't a long term solution. I can field as many infrastructure repair/replacement decision questions as I can, as I'm acquainted with some aspects of that process. But if people are interpreting this as "how it should be" then people are misinterpreting what has been done here and what is needed long term.
  5. Apparently one of the pieces of debris is the tail-cone of the submarine. That probably doesn't come off except in the case of a structural failure. In other words... These MFers are paste.
  6. Also... The sub is likely NOT equipped with a distress beacon. There's been NO communications about looking for a beacon signal or anything, prompting questions about whether it even has one. And then there's this.
  7. Yeah, they 100% will. Straitway Truth Ministries and these people are definitely two sides of the same "build a compound in the woods for their cult shit" coin.
  8. One of these people associated with this 'church' protested a local Pride parade a couple weeks ago. He was the only one. Also, this group is building their compound quite literally 30 minutes away from a Black militant cult compound. So... we're really filling up on crazies.
  9. A terrible person in charge of a terrible group meets the terrible umbrella he sits under and experiences the consequences of their terribleness. I grew up Southern Baptist. If you want to move forward, you have to move out. The SBC is vile. Warren isn't worthy of sympathy here, even if he wants things to improve in the leadership structure somewhat.
  10. I know not to get down in the shit with Best. But I can't keep myself from "actually-ing" someone arguing in good-faith
  11. This is not strictly correct. You cannot repent of suicide (obviously) but I don't think that extends to expulsion from Heaven based on a Biblical commandment. Thomas Aquinas was instrumental in solidifying this false teaching.
  12. This is the benefit of having people in your military that were trained in Soviet doctrine and now are learning the NATO doctrine of countering Soviet doctrine!
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