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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. I wouldn't expect him to carry a major load, probably just 5 carries or so a game. But I think he is going to provide a morale boost to a team thay desperately needs it.
  2. I always beat my wife when we play. But then when we play doubles on the same side I suck ass and we lose. Makes her mad.
  3. I doubt it will move the needle at all, but I'm actually impressed that an evangelical group did the right thing.
  4. The bar is so damn low that even Ben Shapiro couldn't walk under it.
  5. Remember how every establishment journalist rushed to defend her after Michelle Wolf's joke about her eyeshadow?
  6. Stimpacks are like, 70% of military spending. Everyone knows that.
  7. Houston $5000 1) Bucs TD 2) Bucs 3) Evans, Hopkins 4) Josh Allen 5) Philadelphia, Washington, Miami 6) No 7) Ekeler 8) Mixon, Evans
  8. https://www.inlander.com/spokane/shea-report-shea-participated-in-domestic-terrorism-three-armed-conflicts-against-the-us-government/Content?oid=18781453 "Representative Shea presents a present and growing threat of risk to others through political violence." Those are the final words from the independent investigative team hired by the Washington state House to investigate Spokane Valley Rep. Matt Shea. In a report made public today, the team concluded that Shea already participated in three armed conflicts, and that with his deep involvement in planning and supporting the Malheur Wildlife Refuge standoff, it concludes that Shea "participated in an act of domestic terrorism against the United States."
  9. I grow up in the Adventist church, in a tiny-ass town dominated by the church and university. The public elementary and middle schools were smaller than the local Adventist private school. When I was in middle school our town couldn't pass a levy funding the school, cause most of the voters were Adventists who sent their kids to private school. So we wound up with one gym teacher for three schools, all the art teachers fired, and music classes severely reduced. Adventists tithe too, so they figured with 10% going to the church, plus paying tuition for private school, why should they fund the public school as well? Thanks for that. My dad (who worked at the university) was also pissed at how high the pastor's salary was. The pastor also got a house and car. The pastor was really popular with the community, and ended up taking a corporate pr job. Guess he really felt the call huh? My sister did private Adventist school for one year, but my parents yanked her out of it after her first grade teacher told her that her non-Adventist friends were going to hell. America has some really fucked up churches.
  10. More seriously, how could anyone read that letter and think this man is fit for office. The GOP is a dangerous cult.
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