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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. This is a good thread on what we should be doing to our cities--making them livable for people again.
  2. I've seen: Les Miserables Phantom of the Opera Joseph Jesus Christ Superstar Not enough. ㅠㅠ
  3. I've never seen Hamilton, just heard the album so I feel I can't truly weigh in on that. But Les Miserables is definitely the best I've seen, probably followed by Jesus Christ Superstar.
  4. I'm sure they would have no problem tackling a kid who wasn't wearing a mask.
  5. If we could just STOP what we are doing, COLLABORATE with scientists, and maybe LISTEN to experts, I think we could avoid any problems from this.
  6. Let's just make sure we are all prejudiced against Patriot fans.
  7. Braxton Bragg was a loser and massive fuck-up of a general. If the Cleveland Browns were a general, they would be Bragg. Bragg looks at the Detroit Lions 0-16 season and says "Damn. Only 16 defeats???? How'd they manage that?" He is to winning battles what Walter Mondale is to winning presidential elections. Trump has not cheated on his wife more often than Bragg has victories. The only reason to keep those names is to prop up white supremacy. Fuck the Confederacy and fuck the baby boys who look up to it.
  8. QAnon has more characters and twists than the MCU. Seriously all these conspiracy nutters need a damn wiki to keep it all straight. And yes, it's basically a religion for people who are so off the deep end that their children don't call them anymore. It's boomers desperately trying to stave off loneliness. It'd be a little sad, if it weren't so insane.
  9. I can't fucking stand The Alchemist. It's the "live, laugh, love" of books.
  10. "When Trump loses in November, America needs to grapple with the fact that it was not our constitutional system, but Trump’s own incompetence that preserved our democracy. We might not be so lucky with the next would-be authoritarian.” This quote is why someone like Josh Hawley is so terrifying to me. Someone like him would use the flawed design of our political system to wreak havoc on our society. If Biden is elected and we don't eliminate the filibuster, Democrats won't be able to do anything. Whoever the Democrat nominee is will lose due to general dissatisfaction. And we will realize that Trump really was the clownish buffoon compared to what the Republicans will bring next.
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