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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. The "freedom" Republicans worship is actually just the freedom to be as big of an asshole in public as possible. The most selfish and irresponsible fucksticks are going to make sure that Covid sticks around forever. Just wear a damn mask. It's not hard.
  2. You can't classify inaccurate information so great job on confirming everything in the book!
  3. Bolton always has and always will be a massive asshole. Just cause he is spraying his shit on Trump right now doesn't lessen the destruction he has wrought his entire career.
  4. Abbott is going to kill off all the Trump voters. Guess that's one way to turn Texas blue.
  5. Drew Magary graced us with a hater's guide to Gone with the Wind.
  6. I made myself cranky just thinking about this. What kind of monsters leaves their ice americano on a bench?? And of course they never wipe up the pool of condensation. And why would you put a dumbbell back in the wrong place??? The rack is clearly labeled. The weight is clearly labeled. I'm getting worked up about this. Thank god the virus is keeping me away from the gym, or I'd be hurling a kettlebell through the window.
  7. I want to see this same chart but for reracking weights at the gym. Every Korean would be chaotic evil...
  8. Yeah, America is never gonna get out of this mess. Read the replies if you want to feel depressed.
  9. Gorka is a perfect representative of the American conservative: lied about his background, got a job based solely on who he knows, a massive asshole for no reason, yet incredibly sensitive at the same time. The only thing larger than Gorka's head is his colossal and unearned ego.
  10. The apex of conservative masculinity: if you make fun of my wife I'll lick your boots. But if you make fun of a friend of mine, I'll ask someone else to beat you up!
  11. So this was kinda interesting: There was also a pride banner up: They've since come down.
  12. I don't know why that is. But I've seen a few episodes of that! And I've been to the market where they filmed one of the creepy scenes--narrow twisting alleys. And the blurry thing can look really goofy. You will see episodes of GOT on tv with all the swords blurred out lol. Looks weird.
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