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No Idea
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Everything posted by stepee

  1. A few more notes: 1) Apple isn’t off the hook I still hella want that oled ipad especially for my elliptical and that better be early May 2) Moonlight to play pc games on the macbook is a great way to do that though I might switch to the ipad when I get that cuz oled. But I’m getting a smaller ipad pro I think, so we will see. And that micro led 1600nit hdr display does look quite lovely. But either way it does make me further think do I need a windows laptop at all in the future? Also recording tracks in garage and and instant importing them to my phone RULES. 3) Holy shit can you multitask with vision running off its internal M2. I did not expect to be able to run 7 windows at once. But I did indeed layer my room with a web browser, email, txt window, 3d movie, stocks app, the photo app, and an AR version of the game battleship on my lap. I’m guessing it’s doing something clever to run this all at once and it’s not REALLY running them all and just showing the image and switching over processes or something but it is wildly cool.
  2. Gonna start this soon, pumped hearing the impressions, did not expect this to be so well received. I figured since this will potentially get me in the mood for more FO, and with the sales, I got FO76 on steam yolo
  3. Nice. I like a good aquarium. I want to go to the Monterey one near here again soon too.
  4. Sounds like some good stuff. I could definitely see this game being quite great if they steer it down the right path. It will be interesting to watch the battle between challenge and fun factor.
  5. I actually did see one of these on the street and it’s even more ridiculous in person. It’s hard to imagine any normal person actually purchasing it and using it as their primary vehicle.
  6. There’s a whole bunch of good content to play outside the main story path so there really isn’t a good reason to start over. I would definitely do the undercover UC mission stuff with the pirates and all the Nova stuff.
  7. 71, Jordans girth circumference at the base in inches (7.1”)
  8. For Delta it’s crazy simple. You can just download them direct and then open the rom and it will import it into a menu for the system it belongs to. You can put them on onedrive/icloud and then import from thrrr as well.
  9. Just in time for this: Razer's Kishi Ultra gaming controller works with damn near everything, including some foldables WWW.ENGADGET.COM Razer just released the Kishi Ultra mobile gaming controller. It works with some foldable phones, in addition to Android devices, iPhones and iPads. Supposedly this one works with you leaving the case on. That is huge if it does indeed work that way. Having to take the case off is why I never really used the backbone/kishi as much as I thought I would.
  10. Oliver is a good addition to the team, he goes into good detail like Alex and John do, beyond simple performance/iq metrics.
  11. idk a year or two? Plenty can be fixed, it’s still super early. They are actually putting specific effort into getting it to run well on the deck so they’ll get it working well at some point I’m sure.
  12. If you didn’t adjust anything it is dynamic res by default so it might be forcing it down super low. I turned it off and set internal to 70% which looks okay but the game seems to also have some memory leak or something where it bogs down the deck and you have to reset to get it back to normal. I don’t think it’s ready for it yet.
  13. Also not a big fan of no refillable flask type item along with the central “souls” mechanic being that your equipment weakens until you can’t even equip it if you keep dying. This is the kind of mechanic that actively punishes you more the more you are struggling. I don’t think that’s the best design choice so hopefully they change that up a bit too.
  14. Played through the prologue and up to the first whisper/save site and messed a bit around there. It’s definitely an absolutely gorgeous game already. I wish other devs put the same effort into hdr implantation that this team already has in the initial early access release. The combat feels crunchy and satisfying. It’s interesting how there are tools and so you’ll do things like fishing/digging here. It’s definitely more Souls than Diablo which a lot of people are now finding out. Seems to run well enough already on my desktop and I see dlss support is coming soon so it’ll be even better then. Deck needs work. It looks good especially with the hdr but it can’t hold that 30fps well enough to really play it there yet. It does seem close and they were pretty up front about its result there though. This team got Ori2 running at 720p/60fps on Switch so when they say they are going to try to hit a 40fps lock on deck, I think they probably will. I wonder if they will pre render the cutscenes on performance mode to achieve that. I could see getting into this but I do already hope as it evolves that you can lower the difficulty. Maybe people who thought it would be Diablo will complain and get them to do that. Once you get past the prologue it gets real hard real quick.
  15. It’s long moved past even criticizing the director (who tbf does seem like a trash person) and is more about attacking other users for talking about the game itself
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