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Everything posted by Slug

  1. There's s "tip" joke in there somewhere but I'm too tired to come up with it.
  2. I tip for service, not products. If the person is merely handing me the product I paid for, I do not tip them. If they are providing some extra service or doing something I could do myself but don't want to/am too lazy to do, I tip. So waitresses, delivery people, barber, etc. I tip. Cashiers, fast food, take out, I don't.
  3. The only thing left I haven't done is to max out all the abilities. But without any side quests or hunt targets left, farming this AP just feels like a slog. I might just leave that undone. I don't know.
  4. OMG the Trial of Earth chronolith is so dang easy compared to the others I tried. Did it first time with like 4 minutes to spare on the timer.
  5. I absolutely get the people that are disappointed that this isn't a true Final Fantasy game. It doesn't feel like a FF game. But it is very good on its own.
  6. Took me like 5 tries to do the first chronolith trial. Now I must do all of them. Trying to complete everything I can before finishing the game.
  7. Looks like I'm missing 1 memory wall item and 2 orchestration rolls. The orchestration rolls are in chests somewhere. This is gonna take awhile to walk the entire map again and find them.
  8. Yeah I have hers. There's a few like that where you get the item as a thank you for talking to them after the quest is done. I have one empty slot left on my memory wall area and I've already completed every available side quest but I can't for the life of me noodle out who would have the item.
  9. I gave up for the night. but if the last sequence was any indication then yeah it's gonna be long. hopefully it doesn't take me long to find the last display item so I can start that final mission and settle in.
  10. I bought this game when it came out and never played it. It's one of the games I have that is unopened, still in the celophane, on my shelf. I keep getting distracted by other games. I think I'm gonna finally give this a shot when I'm done with FFXVI.
  11. Whatever they're calling the normal regular-ass PS+ sub these days. The "play online and get the couple free games each month" one.
  12. Tried it again and made it to 20 and then lost the whole thing laughing. I'm done.
  13. I was doing that. I may have had something else in there that I didn't notice that was screwing it up.
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