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Everything posted by Reputator

  1. Yeah I'm sorry but mentioning things that appear in the VERY FIRST TRAILER is and should be fair game. If you want to go into a movie completely blind, why are you trying to read people's discussions about it?
  2. I think if we're being honest with ourselves, it was always heading this way. The pandemic just accelerated it.
  3. Did someone delete their post? I don't see any open spoilers in any of the posts so far.
  4. I got cheers for every damn character and nod to anything ever. Even at the end when it showed Spidey in his plain spandex outfit.
  5. I made an unplanned trip to see this today. As someone who didn't love the Raimi films, it was really cool to see those characters return but in a different directorial style. No spoilers whatsoever, but here's some initial thoughts. Dafoe was amazing. He was fully committed to the role and it was like he never stopped playing Osbourne. A couple of the other villain actors did seem like they were cashing a check, but man... Without giving anything away, Green Goblin was menacing, scary, and truly formidable foe (Dafoe?). And it was nice to see that WITHOUT the cheese and camp of Raimi's approach. I did always like Alfred Molina's Doc Ock, though. And he was right up there with Dafoe in recapturing the character to a tee. He was in the movie a good amount, and yet I still wish we got to see him more! Again without giving anything away, this movie paid off a LOT of story beats from previous movies. And not in a stupid heavy-handed way like Star Wars has done (Solo shooting first, Chewie with his medal). A lot of fan servicey moments were a bit corny at times (mainly in the more lighthearted dialog scenes), and I probably would have been more annoyed if I didn't see this in a theater and hear how much the hardcore fans loved those moments. Also......this movie has feels man!
  6. Great. Can't wait for it to be canceled 3 hours after its debut.
  7. Exactly. If it could only be read as a trans allegory, I don't think The Matrix would have had such a wide appeal.
  8. Really seems like while The Matrix was a sci-fi action thriller with some smoke tent philosophy thrown in, this one seems like it's just going for full-on Nolan levels of what the fuck.
  9. Um, excuse me sir, that was a Tyrannosaurus and a Giganotosaurus fighting, mkay?
  10. I get where you're coming from here. If we value messaging over trueness to the source, yeah I suppose the original story doesn't help social progress. I guess I don't really begrudge Netflix over veering towards modern sensibilities given the world we live in now.
  11. As I recall, Faye couldn't tell anything was strange about them based on appearance until she saw them in the shower. It was then that what happened to them was revealed. It's been several years but I recall that being a significant plot point.
  12. Because...could they not get someone that looks REMOTELY like the original character?
  13. Some people really want to turn this into a semantics debate, and all it does is dilute the actual issue, until the obvious point of how wrong this all is isn't obvious anymore. It's best not to engage that bullshit.
  14. Open season on underage vigilantism with assault rifles. Good times.
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