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Everything posted by PaladinSolo

  1. They seem to have added some events that weren't completed yet, one with a crystal or something, but the graphic for the crystal is a pink cylinder and rotating text that says its a placeholder, lol. And i'm seeing mission details that say (Temp) complete mission, or (Temp) go to location. They complete normally, but the crystal mission keeps having Faye talk repeatedly about it growing till you leave the area.
  2. I wondered about this, i got a bunch of them in my inventory, and found one, wasn't sure if they just weren't in the game before or just added them. I got one last night during a Legendary contract from an enemy that was part of the mission, i really think its just random dude, cause both legendaries i've gotten were off mission enemies.
  3. I hope the damage increases to the grenade launchers is enough, cause honestly they really really suck.
  4. I think thats the point, push people into the higher difficulties once your gear is sufficient, before this a lot of the weapons just didn't do enough damage and there wasn't much reward to go into GM2-3. Also how the hell do they overlook telling people the taunt also increases damage done to those enemies, i never used it cause it never really seemed to work, but also didn't know it increased damage, lol.
  5. This has been my experience even with like 100% luck, I also get far more Grey's and greens in freeplay than in strongholds, not that anything below MW is worth hanging on to anyways.
  6. Took like 30 seconds to find him calling Mueller a demon and that hes going to get it or hes going to die trying.
  7. I dunno the guy just sounds lucky, during my freeplays i'll spend over an hour killing just about everything i see and get squat, while i'll do the scar stronghold for 20 minutes and walk away with 4-5 MWs and the only legendary i got was from a scar out of there, and i've killed the tunnel scorpions a bunch. I mean i'll definitely start killing the scorpions everytime now, but i've definitely cleared tons of trash mobs in freeplay only to get nothing.
  8. There was also a lot of redacted stuff in his case files so they may not be done with him yet.
  9. *Narrator* - She was in her 20s. Not saying she can't change but she never had a chance in hell of winning the nomination.
  10. Yeah, hes getting off easy, that lady that accidentally voted got more time than this.
  11. Theres no reason to really go back to diablo 1, it was great for its days but, diablo 2 is essentially the same game but with sprinting and just a lot more to do.
  12. Colossus do their best work right on top of enemies, once you get decently geared taking hits is nothing plus the best defense weapon MW gear isn't even really an option, 35% heal on a AOE instant shot ability and i'm pretty sure its 35% per enemy it hits, leaving you with just an option on your ordinance launcher which is mostly shots you have to line up, then they have a flight delay and a minimum distance, only the electric abilities are instant with one being an AOE directly around you but slows you to a walking speed but it primes and the other one is essentially passive with a long range and detonates itself every 3rd shot with the MW. I also haven't found a use for the taunt, doesn't seem to work for long or at all on certain enemies and reducing everyones damage taken for a time seems a lot more useful.
  13. I'm a fan of mass storm teams because they primer everything for my colossus to blow it the hell up, i don't even bother with my own primer abilities cause they suck. The flame wall is the only decent one because it doesn't disappear, has long distance, and a large area of effect, but i still prefer my shock thingy cause i can still shoot, move, and use other abilities while it does its thing, especially when storms are freezing everything it causes so many explosions. Hell its the only ability that i have that doesn't take me out of flight mode, and even keeps me in flight mode while using my F ability.
  14. The real tragedy is freeplay being the most enjoyable while being the worst for drops, spent an hour and a half in it yesterday got a single MW, spent an hour this morning doing my epic contracts and a single stronghold, and got 7 MW and 1 legendary. The world events are literally the same thing as the contracts, and its not like there is any cooperation in the contracts with the people i'm matched up with, mostly just blowing shit up, and if a guy falls i pick him up. The stronghold i did this morning this guy was knocked like a dozen times, had to of been his first GM1 stronghold.
  15. They don't need to increase legendary drop rates, just need to make legendaries worth equipping, i just got my first one and its basically just a MW with slightly higher base stats, i'm not even going to equip it as its inscriptions suck, doesn't even have more inscriptions on it.
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