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Everything posted by PaladinSolo

  1. I don't even care about the issue at all, but to come out and say we can't afford it because of the rising debt while the entire reason its being brought up is because the cost of college is putting entire generations in crippling debt, lol. Its not pragmatic is straight up band aid and doesn't solve anything, anyone proposing half measures shouldn't even be considered a candidate at this point.
  2. This statement is insane, we have mounting debt so we can't pay for college that is putting crippling debt on them!
  3. I've literally had just those 2 occasions on PC, another problem is i've run into a bunch of spanish speakers tonight, its damn near impossible to win not saying a word, its even worse when they're talking and i don't understand any of it, lol.
  4. Respawning teammates is probably why I like Apex and hate all the rest, I win 2 games this morning and Respawning teammates was vital in both. Without it I'm dead and requeuing and left to wonder if the guys I left behind won. More interestingly I've seen people mostly try whatever they can to bring back their teammates despite being pugs, one guy ran deep into the storm to grab a teammates banner almost dying doing it, then run across an very hot area solo, with like 3 teams lighting each other up just to get to a respawn beacon, and we ended up winning with all 3 of us alive. I haven't run into much toxicity, i had 2 games where the other guys were obviously grouped and I don't know if this is a thing but both groups asked if i ate ass and then left before the drop, leaving me solo.
  5. The problem i see with her is she doesn't help you win the fight you're currently in, like bloodhound he can find people but once the fight starts well you got nothing. At least with a grappling hook you can change the dynamics of the fight or run away.
  6. I don't see solos ever happening, you'd literally never see some of the characters because their abilities aren't powerful unless you're in a squad. Lifeline is a team healer, and calling in a care drop will just get you murdered.
  7. Yeah it seems dubious to believe people were either saving this money or spending nothing on their weed habit before making it legal.
  8. The very fact the slightest bit of resistance caused them to pack up and quit should make everyone extremely wary of what their plans actually were.
  9. They don't need a technicality congress just passed a law restricting his ability to build a wall, he can't go around congress, the implications of such a ruling would basically make our entire government null and void, lol.
  10. He was going on about people who supported his wall naming Hannity, Ingram ect.. got to Ann realized she thinks hes a dope, and then started going all "I don't know her, haven't talked to her in a year," ect... lol.
  11. lol, hes going on about being nominated for a peace prize, yes the guy who blew up a nuclear arms treaty instead of enforcing is going to get a nobel.
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