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Everything posted by PaladinSolo

  1. Welcome to endgame , only goes away when you select another mission.
  2. You'd think so, but no there isn't, at least i can't find it, had to google all of it. They explain some things like combos, but nothing about what any of the inscriptions on loot actually do. The section on loot literally just says you get loot from doing things basically.
  3. Theres a lot of shit they don't tell you in this game or isn't clear at all, like i just found out the gear symbol means it only works on that item, and the little javelin icon means it works on all your equipped stuff. Also +speed reduces cooldowns and doesn't actually increase your speed, lol.
  4. You've found all there is to find, buying the legion of dawn version of the game gives you some as well i think, but other than that i haven't found any other armor in the game.
  5. I can't believe they let the game ship with loot in that shape, getting colossus gear with +pistol inscriptions just shouldn't happen. Better late than never i guess. Now they need to add a lot more variety to the weapons and equipment.
  6. Collins making her 2020 push, won't vote with the GOP on emergency declaration, now won't support Wheeler for the EPA head, though she did for deputy, lol.
  7. The color of the numbers tells you what armor they have, white is 50, blue 75, purple/gold 100, and certain weapons like the wingman are broken imo, double headshot multiplier with no damage drop off for range has turned it into a weapon that can 3 shot anyone at any distance, unless you have a purple/gold helmet. I don't necessarily mind that it does that much damage, but it needs more of a downside because therse no reason not to have one right now.
  8. I'm not saying it will, but they're absolutely swaying voters to vote dem, Texas is a state the GOP cannot lose, what i mean is if they manage to lose texas it doesn't matter how WI, PA, OH, AZ, MI, and FL vote. Beto just lost by 2% in the state, and Trump has an approval of -9 in the state, so pushing unpopular policies in a state they need and has been moving more and more towards a battleground isn't a great idea.
  9. Ended yesterday, supposed to be back in march, seems odd to end the event before a week after the game was released, i'd imagine most players are still doing the main storylines to really be bothered with freeplay. I ran into one of them during the tombs missions and ended up just leaving after i couldn't do much damage and lost a bunch of health cause i didn't know how to fight titans yet.
  10. At level 19 I can easily see the poor reviews for this game, its just not finished, you can complete the story content and not be close to max level, then I assume you're forced to do randomized content over and over till you get there. Loot is done poorly, while leveling you'd think you'd pick up greys and greens mostly and occasionally find blues, and rarely find purples/oranges, but once you hit a certain level the color of loot changes to blue, and i assume it'll change to purple later on, making any grey/green/blue finds pointless and immediately discarded, and thats before you even get into the bonuses the weapons give, they're completely randomized and usually pointless. Like why does my autocannon increase shotgun damage and ammo? Where the hell is my stats card, and what the hell do these stats they do give us mean. As a colossus i see things that increase my shields, except i don't have shields, is that increasing my pull out shield? I have no way of knowing any of this because health and shields are just a bar and no numbers. Same goes for damage, i see stats that increase damage by a percentage but the only way to actually see how much something does is to use it on something. Load screen for equipping javelins is also a bit annoying, they need to make it so the forge keeps you in the city and you see your javelin changing on the stand. Then here is the biggest problem i have, they built this beautiful open world only to instance every single mission, why isn't the entire game fluid from that world, why must i get "Mission complete" screens, why can't i just do this mission, move on to the next, i don't really care if the other people in my game help me, in fact i've had more negatives out of others in my games than positives. I've been locked out of areas because i didn't get there fast enough, missed entire fights because i was behind a bit and the game threw up a wall not allowing me to enter the battle, sound going out completely seems to be tied to others in the game world doing something. The game is fun, but theres just some truly baffling decisions, which i hope are just because of time.
  11. Well i played almost entirely as a colossus, and i get multi-kills without even trying by equipping a support slot with the 300% shield damage while sprinting and just mow waves of enemies down doing nothing but running through them. It basically 1 shots everything that isn't a special enemy or legendary, its also insanely enjoyable to launch yourself through the air like a missile at flying enemies with it.
  12. Of course Trump is the only one to have a majority disapprove, while having almost 100% of people having an opinion of him.
  13. Guys, i don't think Fox News is a reliable source for News. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/02/21/federal-election-will-be-rerun-because-fraud-republicans-arent-talking-about-it-much/?utm_term=.c6a3c744717a
  14. Yeah, i really don't get people asking for solo mode, it'd be absolute chaos as the map really isn't that big and people move so fast, just constantly getting shot in the back, 75% the lobby would be dead in 30 seconds, and then it'd be a slow slog to the end as it can already be a pain to find the last 2 teams. Thats before you even get into the fact that like 2 characters would even be good at solo play, Wraith and Bangalore.
  15. This is exactly why it will die in the courts, the constitution is pretty clear on who gets to spend money and where, Congress. The only logical explanations are everyone in the WH is completely incompetent or they're just going to say "see we tried, but the deepstate is everywhere!"
  16. Need to get them in the game now by pushing policies they support now, not "well maybe later we can do this". After the GOPs healthcare debacle in the midterms last year M4A is a slam dunk.
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