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XxEvil AshxX

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Everything posted by XxEvil AshxX

  1. I cant honestly see it being worth it for them. Just sit back and let Sony/Microsoft handle the legwork. Its like money for nothing.
  2. Half the resolutions, twice the prices! Look on the bright side though, it'll only cost a little over ten cents per p.
  3. Tell me about it, that one guy in the pic had to chop off an entire leg just to get in there!
  4. My reaction: "Holy shit finally!" *boots up Switch and goes to eShop* "40 FUCKING DOLLARS???" Nope, nope, nope. Not for one old ass gameboy game and two snes ports.
  5. Stock 99 Firagas, 99 Thundagas, and 99 Blizzagas. Congrats, you win. Honestly, that's what made FF8 so fun. The fact that you could completely break it right off the bat. Oh, and the Muppet Babies storyline.
  6. That's probably why you're not as cranky as some of us. Honestly, it's pretty telling that the biggest and most memorable games this year were remakes of old games, ports of ones that already existed, and dlc to games that are already out. That's not a knock against Nintendo or Squeenix, it's a knock against the industry as a whole.
  7. Cabinet graffiti and cigarette burns were what gave arcades their character! If i get one of these i'm gonna have to tag it up and burn it. For old time's sake.
  8. From the bottom, just slightly edging out EA.
  9. Fuck Sony. I don't care what anyone says, you can't "win" if you don't play.
  10. Nintendo easily won already. This is the first time in the past few days I've actually been excited.
  11. and Panzer Dragoon... My wallet just jumped out of my pocket and is trembling in the closet right now.
  12. We should be having a "snap" drinking game.
  13. 'bout time. I was gonna get pissy if it was just Trials and not the trilogy.
  14. Not sure where you got the "not particularly impressive" from, since the article you linked to was pretty positive in tone. I'll include some quotes from it: "While the testing conditions were a little too ideal, the game streaming service is impressive." "I played Resident Evil 7, Hellblade, Halo 5 and more through a Galaxy S10, with an Xbox controller, and it was rather wonderful." "While resolution here didn't hit full HD (let alone 4K), there were hardly any artifacts and graphical glitches from the game stream. Characters and textures looked crisp on the mobile screen, and everything ran fluidly. It was like playing an Xbox title on a smaller screen, unadulterated." "Halo 5 was running at 720p resolution and a mostly-consistent 60 frames per second. Gaming resolution is adaptable depending on device and connection speeds, as is the frame rate. Microsoft hasn't specified the speed of the internet (or cellular service) you'll need to run it, but there were several casual mentions regarding connectivity speeds -- apparently, if you can stream Netflix, you can stream Project xCloud. It's something that demands further testing when it launches in earnest."
  15. Weird, you can still buy it on the Xbox store. I just saw it yesterday.
  16. Goddammit why did they have to go and do that? The company behind last year's Midway, Capcom, and Atari cabinets is back with two new 3/4 scale, DIY arcade sets. The first is the Capcom Marvel Super Heroes Home Arcade Game, which features: Marvel Super Heroes, X-Men: Children of the Atom, and The Punisher. The second cabinet is the Konami Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Home Arcade Game, which includes Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1989) and Turtles in Time. The Konami cabinet will be the first Arcade1UP set to include four simultaneous players, just like the arcade originals.
  17. Well Sony already allegedly signed up to run PSNow off of azure servers and xcloud tech so I'm guessing it already works.
  18. There's always the possibility that they could create their own Xbox emulator software/hardware and offer other BC titles via XCloud streaming, similar to how PSNow works.
  19. I'm okay with 2019 being an off year. I got more games than I can get to anyway. I'm actually trying to just come to grips with the idea that I may have to finally write some of them off as games I'll never play/go back to, and just move on with my life. And doing that is harder than it should be.
  20. We honestly should have known better than to get hyped for E3 this year. It's the last year of this cycle, we all know there's one more E3 before the PS5 and Scarlet. Microsoft isn't going to unveil a console a year and a half before it launches, much less show gameplay of anything this early. That said, none of the conferences have impressed me this year. I truly hope that it's because they're holding off for the next gen, but it really does seem like there was an extreme lack of creativity from the major publishers/developers this year Even the indie games are starting to look the same. The major publisher really re-hashed the shit this year. "Games as a Service" is really fucking killing the AAA industry. I'm a Ghost Recon fan, and I even moaned out loud when they said they were going to support it for "years." I don't want to play Ghost Recon for years. I want to play one, then a few years later, play another one. I can tell you right now, before Microsoft even announces anything, that Halo Infinite is going to be the same way. Mark my words, it's got 'Destiny clone' written all over it. Also... Where the fuck is Capcom?
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