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Everything posted by mo1518

  1. Bungie always makes the previous expansions a requirement of the next. Had to own house of wolves and dark below to play taken king.
  2. Doesn't come out for a few months. I would say don't preorder. Bungie has some trust to earn back. Especially that Annual Pass - $30 and zero details as to what's in it? Should rename it the Hard Pass. I still can't believe they're selling a season pass on top of an expansion and microtransactions. Ballsy.
  3. Lots of great stuff in there! I picked up the Olympics dlc for Steep. I've been waiting for it to go on sale for a while now. Oddly the dlc itself isn't on sale, just the bundle of the dlc and full game, but it's still cheaper.
  4. Heads up Sparrow me the crap, we need a new clan name. Was playing Argos with an LFG group and they asked "What does the SMTC stand for, Suck My Tiny Cock?" Devastating.
  5. Yeah but let's be honest, when forsaken drops we'll mostly be using the cool new year 2 gear and chasing random rolls, better devils can chill in the collection.
  6. All the crucible matchmaking, ranking, streaks, and mode changes sound great, but the end result is you still would be playing crucible, which is decidedly not great. So everything I've had in my possession since Warmind dropped has been catalogued and saved for this future collection feature coming in Forsaken? That is... awesome. Very un-bungie of them.
  7. So I've been meaning to play heavy rain and beyond two souls. But if I were to only play one, which is better?
  8. The rumble on Switch is insane. I might buy it on ps4 as well just for the dynamic theme.
  9. Remember this version of Sony? Cause Sony sure doesn't. They look more and more like assholes with each passing day.
  10. I've been thinking of replaying this recently. There's one trophy I'm missing for the platinum, something about listening to conversations that bugged out on me, so I figured I'd play it again when I got a pro and a 4k TV. Got the pro and getting the TV this week or next! Graphically the game definitely still holds up. The only thing I remember that really said "this was a ps3 game" to me was some of the boxier level geometry. Comparing TLOU's city areas to uncharted 4's urban levels it's impressive in how far they've come. Can't wait for the sequel!
  11. Great review, thanks! I am also a builder sim fan, and your opening paragraph described me perfectly. With Jurassic Park being one of my all-time favourite books and movies, I had high hopes for this game. I'm interested to see what kind of post launch support they're going to give this game, maybe some of the building and challenge issues you pointed out will get addressed over time. Also for some reason this game seems perfect to be given away on PS plus.
  12. Every single track from the original is included!
  13. I used this video. One thing he didn't mention is to make the pieces of tape very small, so the tape pieces do not overlap. Rather than add tape to the pivot ball, I put two small squares on top of each other in the middle of the board where the ball would sit. I did have to try it twice because the first time I covered too much of the contact and the left direction was missing presses. Tape right up to the notch on the contact, not over it, like the image below. It isn't hard. The trickiest bit would be reattaching the ribbon, but if you've ever done that before you'll be fine. I didn't feel like I could really screw it up. There's no strong prying to get the controller apart, so you don't really have to worry about forcing something and snapping plastic. But like you said, expensive controller. Be careful. For me it was worth the risk, pressing any direction would read as a diagonal. The dpad was totally useless.
  14. Not a game I'm playing, but with lumines remastered coming out on Tuesday I decided it was time to try and fix my switch pro controller dpad. Tore it apart and did the scotch tape fix and the improvement is incredible. Far, far fewer incorrect inputs, and it feels a bit firmer and clickier to boot. Wish this is how it came out of the box, but I'm so glad I tried it. Lumines would have been unplayable otherwise.
  15. I loved the first demo but I'm going to wait on reviews, especially about the end game. These guys made bravely default, no way I'm buying it without a full review. It looks like one of those games that starts really strong but goes off the fucking rails halfway through.
  16. Agreed. The current kill times with vigilance and Graviton should be what they're aiming for with all guns. There's really not much that stacks up against them right now. Making it rain heavy ammo was also not a solution, it's further intensifying the problem. It's also not just that I don't like it and wish it was D1 crucible, I wish it was like any other pvp game so long as it's good. If I'm in the mood to play an online shooter, Destiny 2 would be my absolute last choice. It's in a bad place.
  17. That is one thing they haven't got right - the PVP is just not fun, in any mode, for a variety of reasons. I've never once loaded into the crucible just to play a few matches for fun. I only play it to achieve some sort of in game goal, then I quit as soon as it's achieved, even mid-match. I really hope the fall update fixes it.
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