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Everything posted by MarSolo

  1. I wish I loved something as much as the GOP loves Hunter Biden’s sex life: They continue to make Hunter Biden sound like the coolest guy alive. Oh no he banged a hooker and used company money to do it and then they went down a water slide together.
  2. Holy shit I saw one scene where he has to rescue babies and it’s the funniest thing ever. Give this movie Oscars.
  3. I’m pissed Shrinking didn’t get nominated for best comedy series and Harrison Ford didn’t get it for Best Supporting. He stole the show.
  4. Yeah, I enjoyed it but I feel like automatically telling people this was Part One of Two was kind of a bonehead move. I knew the story wasn’t getting resolved in this flick. That said, I’m glad Hayley Atwell got a lot of screen time and hopefully this movie leads to her becoming a bigger name.
  5. Wasn’t that their only debate? I know the second one got canceled when it leaked that Trump had covid (and got Chris Christie infected and almost killed him). But I have absolutely no memory of the third.
  6. RFK Jr. is proof that Joe should have lobotomized more of his kids to prevent them from procreating.
  7. Let me put it this way, he went on Joe Rogan’s podcast and said, out loud, that Wi-Fi signals cause brain bleed. Joe Rogan, completely straight faced, said “shit can we shut the Wi-Fi off?”
  8. Every time I click on this thread, I remember and laugh that there was a deleted scene in Iron Man 2 where Tony Stark had a meeting with Elon Musk before the race car scene in Monaco. In fact, wasn’t there a brief period where every movie and show had some kind of Musk reference? Shit, I wouldn’t be shocked if he guest starred on Big Bang Theory at some point. I know he guest hosted SNL (for some weird reason).
  9. Zack Snyder when left to his own devices and original ideas gets you shit like SUCKER PUNCH. What a pile of trash that was. “What if we did One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, but then we go into their heads and it’s an action movie with robots and guns and sexy?”
  10. I feel like no one ever dies in these flicks, and when they do, it’s not someone important. Want to create tension? Do this:
  11. In all seriousness, dating a coworker is like the DUMBEST thing a person could do so of course Best is like “hold my beer”.
  12. In other news, Harrison Ford got Paul McCartney so high the other night that McCartney had to be CARRIED out of the restaurant.
  13. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull gets way too much hate. The worst part of the flick is that action stretch in the jungle. Everything else is classic Indy updated to match the times of the 1950s. That flick has some AMAZING shots. As for this? It’s not Raiders, but Mangold gave one of the greatest action heroes a great if not somber send off. And at least we know that right wing chuds like Doomcock were trying to tank the flick by making the claims he did about the movie months ago that Mangold had to shoot down.
  14. “Put out to rest” is a lot like the phrase “put out to pasture” which means exactly what you think it means: Trump calls for "sick puppet" Jack Smith to be "put out to rest" WWW.NEWSWEEK.COM Trump was indicted on 37 felony counts stemming from one of two federal investigations overseen by Smith.
  15. I don’t hate it so far, I don’t love it either. Threads WWW.THREADS.NET
  16. Joe Biden should go full Jack Nicholson, “yeah, I did the drugs, so what? I also banged Angelina Jolie and then she adopted me!”
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