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Everything posted by silentbob

  1. That first episode with that death was brutal but so cool to see. Plus I can say I’ve been to their headquarters for reals, but it was to see Kevin Smith and surprise guest Edgar Wright. Going to be pretty damn crowded in Toronto with all these boys/superheroes in town along with The Umbrella Academy and them Titans running amuck
  2. That’s what Fox News is for. They tell him what’s wrong and goes on tv/online spewing this racist/angry shit and he feels better for it, until the next news cycle. Now he acts like the internet search result doctor for “what’s my symptom” Millions of people are addicted this opium drug (his twitter/tv feed)and the big pharmacy manufacturer (Fox News anchors) just keep offering him more and more poison for these people to swallow to feel better. They just haven’t read about the side effects this might cause them later.
  3. Anyone else feeling like they just gave Harry from Dumb and Dumber the leadership role for the UK
  4. Sadly I can it like that and it will be a Starbucks Coffee cup or a bottle of water that will get more attention then the actual substance of said show
  5. If Donnie Jr is making a book. Is it a popup book or a colouring book that only comes with red white and blue colour crayons? (Sorry I’m late to that news)
  6. Someone’s scared shitless. Although I thought he wasn’t watching this witch hunt testimony of a report that completely exonerated him. (Which Mueller just said didn’t) Not going to change the public opinion overall because he brought out the nasty in everyone and they aren’t afraid to leave it bottled up inside anymore
  7. So does that mean the Marvel Disney collaboration with Sony is still a go for the third movie and any other Avengers like needs?
  8. The whole WHAT IF . . . series could be fun. Only doing scenarios from the movies up until this point of Far From Home. What would you guys like to see a what if for? Gotta do a Korg episode where he gets his pamphlets out for his revolution to happen. Call it Rock Beats Paper Rocket being a different animal or maybe isn’t a “one of a kind” after all What if Groot could speak? And or everyone else talked like Groot except him? you know, shit like that
  9. He might as well just be their James Earl Jones of Fox News. If not, one of them spinning ads for what’s up next you see on the bottom of your screen. Your TV President
  10. Yeah I saw this news and I guess I’m not too surprised in some ways. It sucks that we get ripped off on ticket pricing because they know people will shell out the money to see their favourite artist. I like what The Foo Fighters did a few years back and didn’t allow online sales for their concerts for their either Sonic Highways or Wasting Light tour. Had to show up at the venue itself to buy your tickets and still sold out in 20 minutes. Then you wonder how many Live Nation has already shoved aside for resale later. There should be some sort of oversight committee into seeing this doesn’t happen. Wishful thinking but who knows
  11. Our Canadian channel Space has what should pretty much the trailer. Looking great with a nice surprise or 2 of old friends showing up
  12. Reading all these reactions reminds me of the School Principal from Jersey Girl where every single kid and parent picks Memories from Cats to perform for everyone. Then they get to Ben and his kid doing Sweeney Todd and the lady is just so happy and relieved to hear that it ain’t Cats.
  13. I think I’ll stick to the movie series that really started the whole furry craze thank you very much
  14. A projectionist I use to work with (sadly passed away a couple years ago) was from India. Anytime we had this hot and humid weather he would still come to work in Pants and was sort of against whole shorts thing in general. Still complain about the heat but I think only twice did I ever see him in shorts in the 10 years I knew him. Me on the other hand am against pants and will even go to work in a snow storm in shorts
  15. Highly suggest Cinderella 99 for this experience. Make them colours shine and put you in a happy mellow as hell mood. It worked great for Fantasia 2000, especially the whale segment
  16. Just wanna gives a heads up. I HAVE WEED FOR SALE or should I be calling it Catnip? Anyways, who needs weed to watch CATS. My cousin is debating about us and her husband getting fucking high as shit and Uber ourselves to the theatre. I know some of the managers that will get us home safe and sound. In some ways it looks visually neat, but you know there just a ton of furries at home whacking it off to this trailer as if it were found gem on PornHub
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