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Everything posted by Ominous

  1. Is this about men using a banana to pretend they have a larger penis than they really have?
  2. Shocked I haven't heard this is just more black on black crime.
  3. I'm up to out of shape cop being completely winded after ruining 1/2 a block.
  4. Pineapple is fine on pizza. Ranch should never fucking be near a pizza. It's like steal sauce on a steak.
  5. Stop making kids scared of guns. It's drag queens we need them to be afraid of.
  6. So do we make them tough with cold hard truth or do we baby them and pretend nothing is wrong? Fakeoutrage
  7. Oh no I was taught we can all do something. Think local act global. Stuff stuff dare drugs only you can prevent Forest fires.
  8. Imagine kids worrying that they will actually have an earth to live on. The horror.
  9. What was it, in the lives of these people, that made them so miserable that they hate pretty much everything that isn't jesus killing non white people?
  10. Why is there so much online hate for the story of the 2nd? I never found time to play it, and nowadays I assume it's because there is a gay person or woman that doesn't need a man, but I'm not sure.
  11. I had so many different boot disks for games to get sound to work or support a controller.
  12. First PC we had was an IBM that had no HDD that you had to boot off a floppy and run any app of it's floppy. First game I remember playing on a computer at home was Street Rod
  13. Just wait for a game to even recommend a nvme for direct storage and it will be end times for some people...here I'll be like which of the three should I install it to?
  14. Hahah yes no way they noticed. Also, I wonder how many people drooled on that thing.
  15. 99 percent of the people upset about gas stoves likely have the stove their landlord supplied them.
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