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Everything posted by Ominous

  1. It's pretty much what I do all day at work trying to fix things. It's mostly fine. After work I'm not getting on a phone.
  2. Shit $550 rent? What's it like with Jimmy Carter as president,
  3. God damn. What is it like living before Obama was first elected?
  4. Et for the Atari? Many games back then we're terrible.
  5. It's easy. "The democrats want to cut social security so they can pay for their hippy electric bisexual dildos. We don't need to cut SSI if they cut their gay electric stuff." Pretty sure they'll thrown in Woke and something else as well.
  6. Guy I worked with was shot and killed outside of his house.
  7. More so their party, but it will still make the next 2 years unproductive outside of stuff to criticize on here. Maybe we can get some photo ops at the border of people "going to it" so they can uhhh then do nothing about it.
  8. Sucks to live somewhere like that. Steam is slow though, so I understand.
  9. They are going to obstructionists no matter what. They have no real power, other than to get in the way and cause problems. They only make them selves look better for their "base" but less electable in a general election. Have at it.
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