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Everything posted by Ominous

  1. So he can't / won't run again? Oh no..... please don't...
  2. We spent how many tax dollars to find out that Joe Biden still loved his son? I really don't understand what they think they are going to find.
  3. He's out punching trees, not sure what you expect him to do.
  4. At work when people have information in their credit report that suggests they don't live in the home they are trying to refinance as a primary we need to obtain a home phone / cell phone / internet or cable tv bill....there are a lot of people that don't have any of these things...so they say. Like how can you own a home and not have anything but a prepaid cell phone and no internet other than the limited data you get on your phone?!?!?!?
  5. 9 pm would be falling asleep in the kids bed without doing anything for myself all day. My alarm on Sunday is 4 am so I can go run before they wake up. Weekdays it's around 6 am or so.
  6. Gotta find time to play video games and run while still spending time with the kids.
  7. That's a good amount of sleep doe. https://photos.app.goo.gl/7j1XEjZxZA6NSv9T7
  8. So what is the purpose of a gun, it not to kill?
  9. Collection things is strange. Collecting things that are made to kill people is even stranger. When you sound aroused talking about it.... watch out.
  10. https://youtu.be/AsxrYerkcIM not an actual live feed, but video of the terrorists errr protestors in AZ
  11. Gun culture is stranger than dressing up as a stuffed animal to dry hump other people dressed up as stuffed animals.
  12. A lot of Trump fans had already turned against Fox News for being against Trump after they called the 2020 election I favor of Biden. If the attack on the capital didn't get people off the Trump train I don't think right-wing Media blowing Dirty Sanchez is going to get them off either. For people that have no logic, it's really hard to predict what they will do and why they will do it.
  13. Well when our parents die and we find out that our inheritance was spent on a monthly donation to Trump that never ended so there's that to look forward to.
  14. That would be my guess. If he doesn't run 3rd party a lot of his devout will be out.
  15. I think it's out of the warranty period, no RMA support or exchanges.
  16. Unless I do the cooking, the only food that comes out of it is either reheated frozen "food", leftovers of something I made, or spaghetti. It was like this at my old house. How do I fix it?
  17. Time and money problems. So many appraisals come back with required pool repairs because they fall into disrepair.
  18. You could say you'd have a better chance of her, now closed, restaurant giving you food poisoning than her her winning.
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