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Everything posted by Ominous

  1. Nope. Paternal grandfather died long before I was born. Maternal grandfather died when I was 3 or 4. Both grandmother's passed away many years ago now.
  2. People will google another company name, our ad will show up, and they will call our number because they thought they were on the other companies website even though our name and logo and colors are all over it.
  3. Cops, and the "justice system" are still doing a great job of policing minorities into perpetual poverty.
  4. I have to hold back from killing people at work.... Sometimes I'll be helping someone with some loan underwriter shit and they will use the windows calculator, which is fine, but then they use the mouse to click on the numbers and don't use the number pad.... what the actual fuck.
  5. I miss the COVID shutdowns. The streets were empty, it was so peaceful.
  6. People in the auditorium didn't know if they were supposed to clap or not. Telling.
  7. She's for freedom....but also for even more cops to beat minorities and national electronic IDs or something?
  8. I didn't realize she wasn't white until she mentioned here parents were from India.
  9. I'd like to see anyone saying they are against "woke" be required to define what the fuck they actually mean.
  10. I'm sure we could get these from our friends, the space jews.
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