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Everything posted by Ominous

  1. Data cap? That's still a thing? I thought Xfinity got rid of them? I know they did in our market, back when I had them which was a long while ago now. What's your cap? I think I'd die with a cap working from home, downloading games, running Plex and all that. This is since March 2nd.
  2. My casper ass has always wrapped a paper plate in foil. It's not a race thing, it's common sense.
  3. “I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!
  4. And how can I be passive aggressive at work without when someone asks a dumbfuck question on teams? ... just doesn't cut it.
  5. Your crazy Aunt that forwards racist and hateful memes is the entire GOP at this point.
  6. This reminds me of people saying manufacturing needs to come back to America and it needs to pay well. Sounds great, but then everything costs more and nobody can afford American made stuff. The American dream can't happen for everyone because you need people to step on to make it to the top.
  7. I loved my fusion plugin. I had a tank of gas last an entire year. Free charging at work so I could get to and from work on ev only almost all the time. No range anxiety. Average mpg for the 3 years I had it was 233.
  8. Sales are limited by production right now. Make more sell more. We can't even get a hybrid without waiting months for delivery right now.
  9. Izzo is not the big10.... except when we were a 2 and lost the first game. ☠️
  10. Good to see Izzo doing Izzo things.
  11. Wait till they hear about what Ansel Adams did in the darkroom!
  12. I was just being sassy. It does irk me every time someone says dslr when they are talking about a mirrorless though....but here it was just to be Ominous.
  13. Not really. Shoot RAW and edit later. Pretty sure you can guess which one is the phone pic. View full screen and you can see bats and shit flying across the frame silhouetted by the moon. Air pollution moon added for good measure.
  14. Well iPhone don't have nearly as long a telephoto lens as the Samsung phones.
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