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Everything posted by Ominous

  1. My alarm on Sunday is normally 4 AM. Knowing that I wasn't going to run 10+ miles in the cold rain I slept in.
  2. Started the year by sleeping in til 5 and going for a short 10k run.
  3. I make more than her, why would I want her to spend money on me?
  4. I've had plenty of good non white people food. Chinese is just meh.
  5. Chinese food is terrible. Fight me.
  6. "for the price" doesn't apply to pizza because a good pizza is nearly as inexpensive as a LC pizza. Even at 3x the cost it's still cheap.
  7. Being that LC is a Michigan company, I can say with authority that LC pizza is worse than horse shit on a moldy carrot.
  8. It's Christmas you leftist lib.
  9. So AI looks at the work of "real artists" and develops a way to mimic that. Modern artists look at hundreds of years of art from real artists and their work is 100% original. Did I get that right?
  10. Glad AT&T has better speeds here. 5G still hasn't changed anything though.
  11. Fool me once....if at first you don't succeed.....it's like riding a bike. Misery loves company.
  12. Not worth fucking over your credit IMO.
  13. Biden coming back isn't a great example of why this is a good thing
  14. The whole primary process is dumb as hell. "Oh the guy I wanted to vote for got voted out before I could vote for him." I mean it's like the general election but with more stupid rules.
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