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Everything posted by legend

  1. I've been itching to do another playthrough. Maybe I'll wait to see what's happening first. FF7R is one of my favorite RPGs from last gen. And god damn that sound track is good.
  2. I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over Cap taking down pirates And fucking up everyone in an unfair fight and then single handedly taking down a jet.
  3. I do think there is a growing issue with people on twitter being very mob-like. It's an internet problem that has existed forever, but is exacerbated on twitter and other modern social media. However, this event definitely is not that.
  4. If this tweet was the only one, I think it would go too far to fire her, but look at this list Gina Carano Is No Longer a Part of Star Wars IO9.GIZMODO.COM Gina Carano, who plays Cara Dune on Disney+ Star Wars series The Mandalorian, will no longer be on the show. A Lucasfilm spokesperson told io9 she "not currently employed by" them. Fuck this person. Rejecting mask wearing during a pandemic and spreading conspiracies about the election results are not just being a shit person who says nasty things: they're actively harming the world through gross misinformation. This is wildly unacceptable and I'm tired of letting people get away with this shit. The US has a really fucked up culture about what they protect and what they don't.
  5. Real-time ray tracing is still very new. I would not write off vast subjective improvements over the course of this generation just from smarter software and proper application. Those improvements will also make the PC versions with better dedicated hardware even better too, but I think there is still a good chance the console can go quite a bit further.
  6. Exactly what I wanted to say. The idea that the whole game is the end is seriously belied by them introducing 3 wholly new very arbitrary-feeling deus ex machina decisions with extremely unclear consequences for 2/3 of them. Get rid of star child and limit it to the destroy ending minus obliterating the geth (and maybe toss in some final transmission to the crew before Shepard pulls the trigger) and you can play the "the whole game was the end" card.
  7. Yeah unfortunately that's not true at all. And no I don't think any of the people I've been close to who suffered from clinical depression or other issues would have gotten involved with Q. It's pretty insulting, in fact, to put generic people with mental illness in the same boat as the cult of Q.
  8. As I said earlier in the thread, I think it's a mistake to partition people into "intelligent" and "stupid" because intelligence is multi-faceted. The core issue is whether there is something fundamentally wrong with them, not whether they're "smart" in any capacity. And the reason that is the core issue is because that's what matters when deciding what to do with people. If they're prone to this kind of thing, then you must be defensive to them, whether they happen to be rocket engineer otherwise or not. And actually, I didn't mean it when I chose rocket engineer, but it made me think that Elon Musk is a great example of someone who is smart in some ways, but may be fundamentally cognitively fucked in others. Hard to say with him how much that is just a result of being rich with a an unreasonable number of fanboys, but I would absolutely entertain the idea that he is just broken in some important ways.
  9. I'm willing to be nuanced about the particular journey someone takes. I tend to avoid making absolute blanket statements. But as a default, I simply would not trust these people to be out; I think there is something fundamentally wrong with a lot of them to go to such extreme levels of insanity and they better have a damn compelling story if they'd ever want me put any trust in them in the future.
  10. The reason I don't necessarily hold the same opinion for children being able to escape and stay out is because there are developmental factors that cause children to readily accept what's presented to them. Humans are particularly primed for this compared even to other apes. For example, human infants tend to mimic exactly how you show them to do something, even if you do it badly. Whereas young chimps watch what you're trying to do and if you do it badly often improve on what you're doing. I'm not sure the scientific community has settled on why humans are like that (it's hard to prove why behaviors may have evolved), but one of the working ideas is that readily accepting culture can be a way to quickly learn, and since humans in particular are able to continually learn new skills and teach each other, it was advantageous to be developmentally primed to accept what you're taught when you're young. At least that is what psychologists I knew and worked with during my postodc which isn't *that* long ago had conveyed to me. The consequence of that is it may be substantially harder to break out of what you were conditioned into even if you are otherwise cognitively sound and wouldn't have entered into it as an adult. In contrast, if you're already fully developed and adopt such blatantly insane and morally gross ideology, then I would not have any confidence that this isn't an inherent cognitive flaw. Also, to be clear, I'm not saying if you were merely brought up and indoctrinated into cult-like beliefs and behaviors that you're fine. I'm saying if you were *and you deliberately left that in your adulthood* I'm more likely to believe that you'll be fine from there on out compared to someone who got themselves involved with Q and then supposedly "escaped."
  11. I'm also not convinced shaming them is a good tactic. When a person can be reasoned with its tremendously counter productive to shame instead because the better outcome is to reason and teach them. Generally, I tend to avoid shaming people for that reason. But it's hard to reason with a person who so thoroughly abandons reason and embraces such a gross ideology. It's gross and stupid enough that I now find myself at least entertaining shaming them as a societal defense strategy. EDIT: And to add a bit to why I'm entertaining it, the goal wouldn't be to "fix" those already taken into such nonsense. The goal would be to make it such a socially unacceptable path that it deters other people who are susceptible to its psychology from joining it. If these people are prone to abandon reason in favor of some sort of "social acceptance" then you make the group highly socially unacceptable to nip it in the bud. Maybe then they'll join a skateboarding community or any other of the 8 billion comparably benign internet communities they could have chosen from instead.
  12. I think it's probably wrong to use "intelligence" as some singular metric. All evidence shows that there is not some singular dimension of intelligence; consequently, you cannot neatly divide people into the "intelligent" or "stupid" groups. Nevertheless, I do still maintain that people who go hard into things like Q are inherently deficient in some set of highly critical cognitive functions (even if they are competent in others) and because of that, I would not trust them just because they "escaped" one cult. I would be fully prepared for them to do it again with something else or have the flaw manifest in any number of other ways. Also, while I did state this earlier, I want to be perfectly clear: I do think there is a distinction for children who are raised and brainwashed into some belief in particular and then leave that.
  13. How is that inconsistent with what I've said? To be clear, I'm not saying humanity has suddenly gotten a larger percentage of dumb people. I absolutely believe history is littered with idiots. What I am saying is I think it's wrong to think that people "escape" from this kind of thing. I think they are inherently broken and as such cannot be trusted to be safe in the future just because they "got out" of Q (or insert any other bat-shit insane cult here). Consequently, I'm wondering what society needs to do with that fact.
  14. I really do not believe I'm expressing an optimistic outlook on humanity at all I'm sorry, but there is simply no way I, nor many people I love and know, would fall for such obvious bat shit insanity as Q-anon. There is also a world of difference between everyone's perception system looking for patterns and believing things like Q-anon. At the most basic level, when I see a face in a cloud, I am fully and totally aware that there's not actually a face in the cloud. I suspect you know there are not faces in your ceiling too. I *do* accept the distinct possibility that a large percentage of the human race would believe this kind of nonsense, but that still leaves us with a problem that we have to figure out how to defend against large portions of humanity dragging us down and the supreme challenge that we really cannot trust a large portion of the population to make decisions that affect others.
  15. I do not for a moment believe that that this could happen to anyone. It may be able to happen to a lot of people, but that simply doesn't speak well for humanity and only makes my concern about how to prevent society from being dragged down by such stupidity all the more dire.
  16. The Q cult is particularly stupid. I could maybe give some slack if these were brainwashed children, but I find it hard to imagine you can be sucked into something so obviously stupid and not be a perpetual liability in life. That's why I think the most we can hope for is just actively suppressing these people from their worst tendencies, but I don't think I would ever trust them on their own, "escaped" or not.
  17. I don't trust anyone who says they "escaped it" at this point. If you were this fucking brain dead, I have zero confidence you wont be similarly brain dead again. I'm trying to sort out what that means we as a society need to do to defend against this high percentage of deeply brain dead individuals. I generally don't like "shaming" people but maybe it's the only kind of currency that will keep them in check. I really don't know and I find that troubling.
  18. This season was amazing, but yeah, waiting is going to be really painful.
  19. I would speculate that well performed and presented characters is generally all you need to evoke strong sympathy regardless of their archetype or eschewing of one.
  20. I don't think we have to choose between working towards exploring Mars and fixing our planet. As far as I can tell, nothing about the Mars effort has detracted from fixing our planet. Our main problem with fixing our planet is just lack of willingness from those in power.
  21. Some more than others. For most of the ones I make, I kill them usually in a few days or less. Okay, on that much I agree!
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