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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. It looks pretty nice. I'm on an XboneX. There are 3 graphic modes for "game resolution" - 1080p is faster, Balanced is 1440p and sharper is 4k. Default is balanced but I only have a 1080p TV so I couldn't really see a difference. The game gives you a lot of hitting, pitching and fielding options so you can pick the one you like. I'm liking the pure analog pitching. The meter and gesture pitching are quite difficult. I haven't looked for sliders and am only trying the warmup game they give you at the start but difficulty seems right.
  2. Well anyway, skimming the thread notes because I know they patched it, this is what they went with "Dying a "natural death" below the age of 45 is now called dying of "poor health" instead"
  3. Destroy All Humans seemed decent for what it was. Glad it's coming to game pass. I still have my copy for the OG Xbox.
  4. 60 fps at 1080p vs 60 fps at 4k Scarlet Nexus coming in June, Then The Gunk in September. Halo Infinite sometime after.
  5. Last time I used AutoCAD was in High School on computers that would be way beyond potato by this point. I don't know what the system requirements are but I'm sure they aren't very demanding.
  6. Season 2 in production Also, this post says they put the movie Free to Play up on Netflix if you're interested. Previously you could watch this on youtube and steam (for free) and it's just basically a documentary about DOTA and The International. It's really well done I'd recommend watching it, even if you have no interest in the game. @Greatoneshere
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