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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. His wife is a botanist so she kinda does.
  2. If the show is the three of them drinking homemade cosmos from a thermos while flicking the bean over zoom, we’ll have our answer.
  3. The only pardon I'm comfortable with Trump or Bales or any of these chucklefucks getting:
  4. Also holy shit Wade saying something complimentary about JFK, I think I have the vapours which one of you strong lads will catch me as I faint?
  5. Maybe he meant to say that working for Trump requires being on mescaline more than any other President to ever hold the office?
  6. Very noisy helicopters, OLO. Glad he knew the word for “helicopter” so his tweet wasn’t “very noisy, hovering mechanical bird or bug of some kind seen in the blue space on top of green earth near where the guy with white hair lives”
  7. It shouldn’t be surprising to me, but the sheer number of, “actual it’s the people AGAINST a revolution founded on white supremacy who are the REAL Nazis,” takes I see online is fucking mind blowing. Social media being unregulated as it proliferated was an enormous mistake. And this is not just about the recent social and political stuff, the extent to which certain groups of people (women, POC, etc.) have been continually harassed with zero repercussion is atrocious.
  8. AFAIK Alex Jones is also generally down on Qanon because Q is often wrong and an obvious scam. Likewise not looking for a positive take on Alex Jones, but when he’s the skeptic... yeesh.
  9. Nice, looking forward to it. I’ve managed to avoid the siren song of CMON kickstarters recently, though most of that money has gone towards getting most of the stuff coming out for Legion and Crisis Protocol... I just love painting the minis. Also awaken realms has me in their grip with Nemesis and ISS Vanguard, so... sigh.
  10. I was embarrassingly ignorant of the extent to which this was true until I started reading Sundown Towns.
  11. Thinking about it more, twitter hiring namlas would have solved this problem years ago.
  12. Someone please cut cable access to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. PLEASE.
  13. This is only a failure if you set revolution as the victory condition after the fact, which is Q fantasy land nonsense. Terrorists disrupted the electoral vote count and were in de facto control of the capitol building, meeting zero practical resistance along the way. Failure would have been them not getting into the building. John Hinkley Jr. successfully shot Reagan. That he failed to assassinate him is true but it misses the point. Reagan not dying was luck. Senators not getting liquidated during the occupation was luck.
  14. Again this is only a “failure” in hindsight. I refuse to accept that anyone would have honestly believed, on 05 Jan 2021, that chuds in cosplay could do what they did on 06 Jan 2021. What would have happened if they ran into Pelosi as she left the bathroom or something? That’s really not what’s happening here at all.
  15. I challenge the notion that it “failed.” They stormed the Capitol while encountering little to no resistance, effectively took the most meaningful and elected officials close to hostage. They didn’t have a real goal, but the lousy one they did have was generally accomplished.
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