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Everything posted by JPDunks4

  1. Did Gamestop buy up competitors years ago, like EB Games? Thats the only real reason I could see why they have so many damned locations. Inherited all those locations that may have been tied to 10-20 year leases, and are stuck really until the leases are up.
  2. I had no idea this was a thing, but damn did this get me excited. So many memories of my first real PC Online 56k modem PvP gaming. Getting disconnected from matches cause my mom would pick up the phone. Red Alert 2 was really the pinnacle for me, but damn those original games were my first real dive into PC gaming. Pumped that they are taking this franchise seriously again and bringing ti back. **If this was posted somewhere in the past, feel free to merge them. I have no idea when they announced it was coming back. https://www.ea.com/news/details-command-and-conquer-remastered?utm_campaign=ea_hd_ww_ic_ic_twt_cncremaster-11142018-tw&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&cid=53477&ts=1559763147875
  3. Okay.... I'm starting to get a bit hyped.... Invited something new? Just the new console? Something else?
  4. My guess is most of Microsoft's new studio acquisitions projects will essentially all be slated for Next Gen releases. I've never been a big fan of the Fable franchise. 1st one I thought was okay, but the 2nd I felt was terrible. Never put much time into the 3rd. They were always just too easy and childish for me. I hope this reboot turns it into more of an Epic feeling open world RPG, something that feels close to The Witcher. And really all we've seen from Playground Games is the Forza Horizon games, so I'm REALLY curious to see how they do on a new genre. Kind of like no one knew what to expect when the Killzone guys were making an open world 3rd person action adventure game.... I really hope Playground knocks it out of the park.
  5. Does Sony still get DLC early? Thats the only hiccup I could see with it. You get Sony exclusive weapons and stuff still right? Or is it just Strikes and maps?
  6. I also think it was probably the best miniseries. Perfect length, no bloat. Really had a big impact with the use of sound. Had such a sense of dread. I really liked the finale and how it did a good job of explaining everything that happened and why.
  7. Xbox gave this out for Free to anyone that watched E3 last year on Mixer. Not sure I'll ever try it though.
  8. This is near where I live. This entire area is roughly a 15 minute drive from the far east coast to the far west reaches of the map. This is also after quite a few of the Gamestops in the region have closed in the past few years. If I can get to 16 Gamestops in 15/20 minutes, you have way too many Gamestops. Could easily consolidate that to 5-10 all 10 minutes apart from each other, and drive up traffic to each remaining location. With that many locations you're just cannibalizing your own customer base.
  9. I understand that McDonalds has way more total locations around the country, but in the urban area around my house, I have more Gamestops then I do McDonald's, or damn near the same number. In my hometown it was pretty much the same way. Gamestop in a mall, gamestop outside the mall in a strip center, Gamestop a few miles down the road. If I want a game, I will go in the mall to get what I needed. This was obviously moreso before the days of Amazon and Digital Sales and Delivery. They could probably have 1/4 the number of Gamestops in some areas doing the same total traffic with way less overhead and labor involved. I just never understood the methodology in having so many locations all over the place.
  10. They were doing great with Hardware until the Xbox One S with no disc drive for however much it was. I think its fairly obvious that MS isn’t as concerned with selling hardware as they are building up the Xbox Brand in general. If they really were concerned with moving consoles they wouldn’t be putting all exclusives on PC.
  11. I’ve been saying it for awhile, why we need more GameStop’s than McDonalds or other restaurants chains is insane. Food is a convenience buy typically, so lots of locations make sense. Gaming as a hobby is a luxury that people will drive at least a little while to shop for gaming stuff. Paying all that overhead for so many locations makes no sense at all to me.
  12. It aint an E3 Hype thread until @TomCatposts....
  13. I was wondering if it’s any NPC as well. It states play as anyone, but the article also says play as anyone you “recruit”. Wasnt sure ire if that’s to mean there’s a large group of npcs that are playable and you recruit them into like a Hacker group then you can play as any of those people. With puzzles requiring you to manage multiple characters hacking multiple systems at different places, ect. Maybe even coop?
  14. I never got around to try the 2nd game. Kind of turned off they never updated it for the X. It looks so jaggy to play.
  15. https://kotaku.com/watch-dogs-legion-leaks-will-let-you-play-as-any-npc-1835218378 *Is this E3 news or just regular gaming news... not sure
  16. Even though I always think, eh who cares not that excited, I still really do enjoy sitting down each day to watch each briefing. I know that nothing is going to blow me away or really excite me, but its just fun to sit back and watch a few hours worth of video game news presented to you.
  17. I'm not even sure how I came about following him, and I'm not totally sure how much of an insider he is. I think he was on ResetEra before but left due to drama. I enjoy his tweets though, seems to just really enjoy the industry and the business of it, not some foolish fan boy just spewing out nonsense.
  18. I bought the 1st and 2nd remasters on XB1, and tried playing the first the other day. Its so so bad. Like I generally enjoy these hack n slash type games but it’s just so dull. Does anyone know if the 2nd game is any better?
  19. Have they said how many episodes?
  20. We also maybe seeing quite a bit of the next gen Xbox, so that’s pretty exciting to see what exactly they envision next gen to look like.
  21. I don't really get the point. Most studios start out small, with smaller scale projects. If they were a huge studio putting out AAA content already, chances are they aren't gonna be bought by anyone. MS or Sony would have to target smaller or mid level studios, then give them proper funding and support to help them push out more ambitious projects. I will agree though, that MS has to prove they can support studios better and help them put out their best content and higher quality games. At this point MS has a lot to prove because a lot of the studios they've worked with in the past on projects hasn't exactly put out many winners. And of course you picked one of the smallest studios they acquired with the least pedigree for your example.
  22. Which of Sony’s studios would you have classified as Top Tier before their most recent releases?
  23. Microsoft will be showing 14 games from its studios, and is said to have a 2 hour conference scheduled. I do agree most will probably be teasers, but supposedly they did snatch up some studios that were well into existing products, so we'll see. I am excited to see Halo Infinite to see what direction they take the series. I have a feeling it'll be quite a bit different than a traditional Halo. Well this is why they bought up so many studios in the past few years, to have a more diverse lineup of games. And going forward, every single Microsoft game will be on PC, they are even bringing their non PC games, like Halo MCC to PC now. They will still be showing new games off during their conference, available both on Xbox and PC, so not sure why that would make someone less interested in watching than if it were just on Xbox?
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