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Everything posted by HardAct

  1. Hello guys, Thanks for all the kind words and support. It means alot, so humbling. I've been off social media for awhile, my wife and I are in shock still. Yes we had insurance! We still owed what the replacement cost was, but it will be paid off at least and we wont have a 1200 dollar mortgage payment hanging without a house to live in. Things are moving in slow motion, and at times I feel I cant take it. I have never accepted any form of charity, never ever. My mom set up this https://www.gofundme.com/100-Loss-to-Fire-Magalia-CA GoFundMe account and I feel sick posting it. Were living in a motel literally with just the clothes on our back. I wont drown you all with the details on my son too, only that he is termanal and that added to the fire is crushing us. Still no word on insurance claim. I'm kinda at a loss for words. Funny, 7 days ago I was complaining about my gaming backlog. I just want to fucking wake up. Thank all of you, I'll try and stop in more. So many kind people amazing. Recap: the fire now has leveled the towns of paradise and magalia (our home), kill 50, burned 150k acres, and a whopping 7600 homes. Thanks all, Glenn sullivan aka HardAct
  2. hey again I have been in shock as can be expected, wife if fucking losing it. This forms been a great release forum been a great release over the years, and a much needed escape. i just don,t know where to start now. thanks for the kind words, means alot.
  3. Just a quick hello, shit has really hit the fan for me and my family. Bear with me. I find out out Wednesday night my son has a stage 4 brain stem tumor, FUCK!! My wife and I have been driving 4 hours a day for an entire week to go through the testing with him Bamm Thursday, he gets released to come do treatment in the hospital where my wife works and we life. Find out that night that's it is stage 4 inoperable. He asks if he can come down and stay a day, sure......and here the real kicker. On TV a warning Paradice California is being evacuated! Where my wife works where the treatment was to be. 20 minutes later my kid daughter is at my house and my wife and her jump in the car to paradise and grab cat and some stuff, FUCK, there to be right back. 3 hours later I realize the stuck in the middle of the paradise blaze. I lose power and cell services! No one saying evacuate magalia where we live, but 3 hour of waiting, I realize were fucked. I grab one computer. My dog 2 hand fills of clothes a few stupid shit and jump in truck. At this time I'm in line with a direction away from where my mife went. 5hours later I make it the 13 Mile's to chico and call wife on a stranger's phone, ok where all ok, about 2 more hours apart. We spend night in my truck behind all the first responders, and the start getting news. Paradise California is a complete loss, so is lower magalia where we live. I'm homeless and jobless and so is my daughter and all my friends. What the fuck just happened. Fastest moving wildfire in California in history, moving 80 football fields a minute. We literally have nothing. Nothing. It's hard, because we had everything, life was perfect. Dont blink gamers / friends. Hold on to what and whom you love. Dont let go!
  4. yup for sure, it's my favorite game to just jump into here and there and just kill shit. It's almost perfect and I can not wait for the next installment!
  5. Thats where I am too, I have the game and all dlc on ps4 with about 3 hours of time put into it!
  6. I'm in a pickle, wife just left to go to friends retirement party, over a 90 minute drive. I last minute decided I didn't want to go, so I have a minimum or 5-6 hours of alone time to fire up Red Dead Redemption 2 right now! was playing Dark Souls Remastered but died for the 20th time in an hour, so RDR2 in my ear, and on the verge of a rage quitting DS1, I know I shouldn't, but . . .
  7. I can tell you it is normal. I bought a white External WD My passport 3.0 awhile back for my white ps4pro and when it's off no light! Yesterday I bought a Black 4TB WD My Passport External HD so same as the white one, though for the Xbox X and yea, the light stays on / blinks even when completely shut down. No worries bud! did think it was a pretty good deal, as the 2 gig is 89.99 and the one I bought { 4TB } was just 9.99 more. I know they go on sale often but, this is all I'll need as long as it lasts! I like that they match the consoles look well and are not very big, nice little needed IMHO accessories I believe!
  8. Funny, Yea I couldn't wait and like I said, bought the "special Edition" at 11:00pm. Started the Install, shut off controller and TV, walked out to livingroom fired up Dark Souls on Switch {yup, I know! I said I wouldn't buy it again, lol} made it to Blighttown {furthest I have ever played through it} shut off Switch, went to bed. Wake up fire up Xbox X and see RDR2 is fully installed, shut it off and go to day1patch to read how everyone likes the game. I'm in trouble, and I see the pattern, I'm like frozen. If I fire up RDR2 I'll not go back to Dark Souls. I can't frikk'in wait till a game gets released, then it is and I don't play it. WTF is wrong with me! lol
  9. Epic fail on my part, went and bought the "special" edition on the X, I'm disappointed in that I couldnt even wait till Friday after all my "no going to throw money at everything and anything shiny" speech. I have no self control. I think it comes from growing up very poor in Chula Vista, single parent. I never got anything as a kid. So now that I can, I just do! I know I'll love this one though! Next goal, no more games period until next year. And quote me here guys. If I buy the new fallout I will also buy someone here a copy for their choice of console! I mean it, period!
  10. Oh my goodness, this is a good deal. I have a launch Xbox one in my closet, gonna go look this up now. I wont bite unless its the white Xbox One One
  11. No way no how am I getting this game, I'm just not going to do it. Red Dead Redemption 2 is the only game left this year for me. For the first time ever, I'm not buying another game! If all goes well, Resident Evil 2 next year will be my next game after that, even if delayed! I loved Fallout 4, but this will not be mine. I really honestly do not have any interest in it either, but that has never stopped me from buying anything and everything. This is more a foot down thing. Side note, although I know I'm buying RDR2, I'm not going to pre-order it either, or buy the day one release. I'm gonna wait till I beat more of Forza 5. I want it, but hell I'm only 9 hours into God of War, etc. Backlog has finally caught up with me, and I have to stop throwing money at everything that is shiny!
  12. OMG! I didn't even know this was a thing and it launches literally tomorrow? 10/19/18 I was poking around looking at the remastered Dark Souls 1 because I was thinking of getting it for switch. That has gone away, but in my searching I come across the DS Trilogy with DS1 remastered, and DS 2 / 3 with all DLC. This is unbelievable and simply can't see why it's not all over the place on these boards. I was just about to buy DS remastered for Xbox One X for 39.99 when I saw this last second for $80. I never beat Dark Souls 1 because of frame rate, never got back to it. I'm buying this right now, I know as far as DS fan boys I'm not the best at them, but they intrigue me. I own 3 on ps4, but I'm just gonna jump at this, anyone else on board? Only bummer is looks like remastered is the only one locked @60fps, others {2/3} are 30, so there very well could be another set down the road, thought?
  13. Yup, just like the "Y" button in forza . . . well kinda, and/or pressing the start button a fraction before the finish line and hitting replay race. We gamers don't have the balls to except true life consequences I guess . . .
  14. Ok, I see yes it is in a way. There are only about 10 games that are on both so yes but a pass for me. Bummer!
  15. I just thought I saw something that said they are? So if I buy the Game Pass are play anywhere titles available on PC too? WOW if yes, and I'm buying a year right now. Something tells me there not, but those that own it, what's the definitive answer? Thanks!
  16. Man I have been wanting this game but looks like it's a PC thing. I've just read just to many bad things about the switch port. Wish this wasn't true . . .
  17. I'm not "NOT" getting FO76 because of anything anyone has said about the game, or any game play videos. Just simply because I really liked FO4 and put a shit ton of hours into it yet never finished it, and knowing I still have all of the DLC to truck through, I'm just gonna give FO76 a Day one pass. I'll grab it later on down the road at a discounted price. 76 looks good enough to me, just doesn't make sense, because if I do buy it, i'm know i'll never go back to 4 and play through what I paid for. This is what I mean by a large AAA title back log. It used to be smaller games that I would grab from Steam sales and the like. Lately it's just everything cool I buy, I feel like I'll get through them, yet I just haven't anymore. I haven'y beat a game in a very long time. VERY VERY long time!
  18. I'm not as others have said going into Fallout 76 day one, mostly because I do plan on replaying FO4 because I stopped before finishing it, playing any of the DLC that I bought all of!! So, that's says a lot, as I buy most everything. That's got to change next year as other than Forza 4 {just love this game} nothing holds my attention anymore. I'm bored with Black ops 4 already {I suck too, so there's that} and my back log of AAA titles is beyond comprehension! So I'm buying Red Dead Redemption 2 and that's all rest of the year. I'll keep trucking through Forza, play a round of Black ops 4 once every 3 days and just wait for Resident Evil 2's Remake. That game is my favorite of all time, so I can't wait for that one. I am very very slowing learning a hard lesson, and with games being half priced after 4 months, just cause I can afford it doesn't mean I should buy it. I need to give more to charity I think . . . lol!
  19. I bought the Ultimate edition on Xbox One X, we need a D1P club / clan? Invite me if your on guys, i'll be looking for you starting tomorrow morning!
  20. wow, This game has a shit storm of people debating it ! I just did a quick search and read in a few different places, some for the game, some calling the game a scam! It's getting nasty out there for sure! I had never really looked into it at all. so it's nearly 7 years in development close to 185 million dollars invested and it's at Alfa 3.0? Am I close?
  21. Like mass effect and no man skys baby . . . I did find THIS one, but it's only 275.00 dollars, but you have to buy the game package first for 45.00! I see you get 3 months insurance with that 45.00 bucks so there's that
  22. is this that game where you can buy ships for 1000.00+ real dollars?
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