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Everything posted by johnny

  1. Astros got their mojo back once they fired that guy
  2. This was pretty good. Eddie Murphy is great.
  3. There’s no way I would call a friend irl Shroud unless it was his actual name
  4. A lot of posters here are very reasonable, and have no problem opening lengthy discourse about many topics. If they’re all shitting on you it’s probably because you’re saying dumb shit or debating dishonestly.
  5. I love how TLJ haters consistently get smacked around for saying ridiculous things in Star Wars threads on here lol
  6. @IdeaOfEvil you called people on this board part of the KKK because we didn’t share your opinion of Kathleen Kennedy and TLJ.
  7. Pilot was good. Really looking forward to the rest of the season. The compilation at the end got me hyped.
  8. Well, this is the end of the saga. Gotta wrap it up. Hopefully JJ doesn’t cram too much shit into one movie.
  9. Altuve greatest Astro of all time?
  10. I’m imagining you two reading like 8 different Bruce lee biographies
  11. But can he convince Iger to green light a R rated Deadpool 3? Just put Deadpool under fox searchlight and release it during Oscar season. Then you can have Deadpool riff on the fact that he is going to win an Oscar before X-men or avengers
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