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Everything posted by Fizzzzle

  1. I kind of hope, given that it's in production now, that they pivot and don't end season 3 on a cliffhanger. I'd like to think they wouldn't anyway, given the show has already been resurrected from the dead once. They know they're on borrowed time.
  2. At least they still haven't cancelled warrior... yet...
  3. The cult of personality bullshit that worships billionaires who are supposedly mavericks bucking against the systems that made them rich is a level of cognitive dissonance that I can't even begin to fathom.
  4. If you made $10k/day every day for your entire life from the day you were born, and you lived to be 80 years old, you would have made 292 million. A billion is fucking insane, let alone hundreds of billions.
  5. I'm almost about as big of a Tolkien nerd as they come, and even I'll admit that my favorite parts of the show were the made up stuff. Adar, Arondir, and Durin Jr., who are all made up (or mostly made up in the case of Durin) are by far the best characters in the show. The show definitely does have some pacing issues, which I hope is just from the fact that they were trying to establish way too many characters and that the pacing will be much more even moving forward, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it.
  6. Note: I'm not against gambling, I do it all the time. I put about $100 in slot machines once a week. Do with your money what you wish.
  7. Neither did I! Granted I didn't play, but the odds are virtually the same either way
  8. I wanted to, but I was on vacation with friends and didn't want to ugly cry in front of a bunch of people (apparently it's a VERY hard watch, as it should be) I'll probably watch it tomorrow.
  9. I like the lore of the Witcher as much as anyone, but if you've actually read the books, they're, uh... Let's just say not exactly the pinnacle of fiction. I don't mind deviation from the lore. The games are essentially fan fiction.
  10. I'm all for it. Too many threads on here end up just being a bunch of people posting tweets and not actually engaging.
  11. My uncle worked as a touring musician for Billy Ray Cyrus in the 90's. He HATES Billy Ray Cyrus' music. There's footage of him online somewhere absolutely jamming out to Achy Breaky Heart. At the end of the day, it's just getting paid.
  12. This comes out today. I'm not going to watch it until Monday night because I am visiting friends in California and I expect this movie to leave me an exhausted ball of tears by the end (if it doesn't, I'll be disappointed)
  13. I saw that. While agree with his points about making the narrative more interesting, I still think they're going with him being Gandalf.
  14. Next time, pack a switch or something. One time I got called two days in a row and didn't end up actually on a jury. Another time I was in and out in less than an hour because the trial got delayed for some reason and that was the only trial scheduled for that day, so they just let everyone go.
  15. There have been some horror stories, though. Did you know the jury for the OJ trial was sequestered for like EIGHT MONTHS. Can you imagine? God forbid you owned a business, because you won't anymore after that. There have been overhauls since then. That jury went on strike multiple times. OJ trial... wild times.
  16. I've been to jury duty 6 or 7 times. Pretty much every 2 years on the dot since I was 18. I think it's something to do with my SSN being easily picked by any formula (obviously I won't tell you why that's a thing, but it is), which I'm pretty sure is how they pick people. Honestly, it's not bad. Just bring a game and chill for the day. Don't try to get out of jury duty. A college professor put it to me like this: imagine you get accused of a crime you didn't commit. Who would you want on your jury? Only the people who were too stupid to know how to get out of it? ... Do your fucking jury duty. If it gets in the way of work, they'll give you a six month deferment.
  17. This is pretty much a list of "games that go on sale all the time."
  18. Rocksteady was founded in, what, 2006? Fair play to them, that's a long time to stick with one company. If they've done their jobs properly, they have a pipeline so that there are people who can take over without any drop in quality.
  19. I don't get why the cops are fighting against it. Everyone involved in that case is probably long-since retired or dead. Who are they protecting? It's another reason why I'm also in support of the death penalty only in theory. Like, there are some crimes people can commit that make me go "yup, I think that person should just be permanently removed from society," but as we see, the justice system is a human system, and as such, it fucks up all the time. You can always let someone out if prison with a "whoopsie! Here's some money to make up for the time you'll never get back!" Unless they die in prison from neglect, Like this one guy in Florida who broke his neck, the guards didn't believe him, so he starved to death because he couldn't reach his meal trays. Yeah, that happened.
  20. I pretty much just use a serrated knife and a cleaver and that's it. Point being, though, just get one or two solid knives that you feel comfortable with and keep them sharp and you don't need a ton of different knives. I used a santoku knife for a long time, then I started using a Chinese cleaver, now the knife I use is kind of somewhere between the two and I love it. I use it for everything from chopping bone to pairing apples.
  21. I personally like using a knife with a bit more curve on the blade. But that's just me. Use whatever feels the most comfortable. I used to use a Chinese style cleaver for basically everything, so I'm used to using really heavy knives. I feel weird with regular small chef knives.
  22. I mean, you have three options: 1) use a "trusted" news source and realize they are pushing an agenda, 2) use an algorithm based source and realize that it might not be pushing a specific agenda, but still push you towards content depending on crowd behavior, or 3) curate your own news feed, which is a combination of the two. And most people won't do that.
  23. This has been my go-to general purpose knife for a few years https://dalstrong.com/collections/shogun-series/products/shogun-series-8-chefs-knife-cleaver-hybrid
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