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Everything posted by Fizzzzle

  1. The problem is I suffer the affliction of actually caring what these people think and I want to make them happy.
  2. To be honest I don't like holidays in general. I hate being told what to do, and holidays just feel like like an obligation. Everyone in my life is either someone I see/talk to enough that it shouldn't make a difference or they are distant enough from me that it shouldn't make a difference. Let me take the one goddamn guaranteed day off I get to sit by myself and play video games, goddammit. I don't want to eat a fucking meat feast, I don't want to want to wake up before 1pm, I want a day of some relaxation for a change. It's like when your boss gives you shit because you request time off in January because you "just had vacation," and I'm like "that one week was more stressful than an entire month working for you."
  3. Like I said, though, that's a slippery slope and even if you did want to do it, there's no political will for it. Imagine all government removing subsidies for beef production and going so far as to impose extra taxes on beef production. There is no reason anyone needs to eat beef and it is absolutely something we all pay for in heart disease and the environment. People would fucking riot. But since we just accept eating beef as normal, it's okay. My position isn't to ban beef, it's to say that there has to be an allowance for things that are bad, if for no other reason than because bad things some people happy.
  4. We bear the societal cost of every vice. From sugary food/drinks to eating cookies to driving cars. It's just that most of those things are accepted as normal people things. Cars especially are ridiculously expensive and dangerous, but we treat it like a sunk cost. Yes, I realize it's not a 1:1 comparison, I'm just pointing out that banning things that are a net cost for society is a slippery slope. In a logical world, we would have banned eating cows and sugar a century ago.
  5. Laptop got to my house literally as I was walking out the door to go to work. Now I'm going to be distracted all day. This time tomorrow I'll... Be getting ready for work again, but I am NOT working on Monday or Tuesday. It's going to be 48 hours straight of gaming. Gods, it's been a long time. The last game I really sank into was Trails in the Sky over the summer, but it's just not the same. Now I should be able to do AC: Valhalla on max settings.
  6. Here's the point I'll push back on: Let's use big titty anime waifu body pillows as an inocuous example. They don't help society in any way, they don't serve a function other than being tangentially related to loneliness and pedophilia. Should we ban big titty anime waifu body pillows? Obviously not, because, well.. what's the harm? You can see how you can extrapolate that to anything, and it's not logical, it's not backed by data, but humans are not logical creatures. In fact, we crave the illogical. We are not cogs in a machine. In the end, all of these things, from video games to porn to alcohol to weed to cigarettes to body pillows... they make some people happy. That is their only function. They offer no other benefit to health or society, yet they are absolutely essential to make society function.
  7. Most people enjoy some kind of vice that doesn't do any objective "good," whatever that means. Some people smoke, some people drink, some people gamble, some people take steroids, some people buy big titty waifu body pillows. Some people develop problems with them to where their vices become an obsession that affects their daily life. It's completely stupid to say that we should just ban all of it because it doesn't do any objective "good" to society. 1) because that's not true, 2) because telling someone they're wrong for enjoying something that you find gross or unappealing, even if it doesn't affect you, comes off as extraordinarily self-centered and frankly zealous.
  8. I really don't think it would move the needle enough to matter.
  9. I haven't played anything that's come out since like early 2020, so... Yeah, that
  10. Not at all. For me, I grew up with the series. By the time it hit (iirc) the 4th book, Harry was basically the same age as me. The actors who play them ARE the same age as me give or take a year. The last book came out when I was like 16.
  11. I'm pumped (I have a deathly hallows tattoo which should illustrate how much I love HP), but I can't help but think this game will be a train wreck for some reason
  12. Comparing second hand cigarette smoke, especially in places where you're essentially not allowed to smoke in public places, to pollution from cars is wild. A million people could be smoking cigarettes in your city at the same time right now and it wouldn't even sniff the pollution from the average freeway, all the time. Not to mention the other ways cars pollute, like rubber from tires making its way into the water. And noise. In everywhere I've ever lived, the only places where you're subjected to second hand smoke are places where it's very clear you're going to be around it, like the patio at a dive bar. At that point, it's your choice, as far as I'm concerned. Let people smoke if they want to. It's not like people don't know it's bad for them.
  13. Into the Spider Verse had some of the most awesome artistic uses of fps I've ever seen. Different characters were animated at different frame rates within the same scene to reflect the animation style of whatever the character was based on. That shit was dope.
  14. I mean, in most blue states, you already can't smoke indoors basically anywhere, you can't smoke within [x] feet of a door/window, you can't smoke at/near transit stops, you can't smoke in parks... the only places where you could be subjected to secondhand smoke for extended periods of time are bar patios, but that's your choice. Even New Orleans banned smoking indoors everywhere last year, and it's mostly followed.
  15. You'd give up the "steel" name? I suppose I shouldn't say anything about it and I don't know your relationship with the name. I actively hate my last name because of what it represents
  16. Did you hyphenate? Did your partner take your name? Even if you aren't married, what do you think you would do? My last name is the name of a guy who raped my dad and his sister. It wasn't his biological father. When I was with my ex and we talked about getting married, we decided we would pick a new name. It I do ever get married, I will absolutely abandon my name, whether that means making up a new one or adopting my partner's name. @Commissar SFLUFANI mean you can't ditch the name "steel." Unless it's traumatic for you, in which case you do you.
  17. Meaning she's a greedy pig who for some reason still wants to make a few more million bucks before she rots in the dirt. Fucking limousine liberal hag.
  18. Also, I'm no boat engineer, but I'm pretty sure that design is stupid. An absolutely *massive* amount of weight would have to be kept low given how tall it is (ask anyone who's ever served on an aircraft carrier how much time they spend in daylight), I feel like a solid rogue wave if caught in the wrong conditions could flip that bitch. That thing is, what, 8-10 times taller than the average carrier? Imagine being on the top level of that ship during a storm if it has to ride a 120 foot wave and you're 15 stories above the surface. These things are already problems with cruise ships that are 1/5 the size.
  19. I knew that would be one of those games to wait a year or two before playing it. That's honestly how I play a lot of massive RPGs these days. Wait until all the DLC is released and the bugs have been worked out.
  20. Oh I forgot about Tales of Arise. I haven't played that yet, either. Or Cyberpunk 2077.
  21. https://us-store.msi.com/Stealth-GS77-12UHS-040 All the reviews of it are pretty good, except for the people saying it gets really hot, which, like... no shit, it's a laptop with a 3080ti in it, of course it gets hot.
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