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Everything posted by Fizzzzle

  1. I've been wanting to exercise my writing muscles recently and I don't know what to write about. History is generally my jam, but I'm down for anything. I'm generally not good at physics based things because I'm small brain. Or statistics. Especially statistics, actually.
  2. That's why I said "yes and no!" There is nuance. How picky you can be about ballot measure syntax is dependent on where you live.
  3. Eh, yes and no. Washington had a lot of hiccups for the first few years, to the point that weed was by far cheaper and more accessible in Oregon in like 2018, even though Washington legalised it 2 years before Oregon. Oregon voted down legal weed once or twice because the bills submitted kind of sucked Not an apples to apples comparison, though. West coast States were always going to legalise it, it was just a matter of how and when. If the measure pops up in Kentucky... Ain't nothin to it but to do it
  4. I start to bundle up like an ewok as soon as it drops below 50
  5. I'm right there with you. I actually pretty much stopped listening to heavy music when I turned 20. I'm not really sure why, I guess it just didn't fit my life. Once I turned 30, my playlists started having a lot more Suicide Silence and Lorna Shore all of the sudden. My taste in music has gotten angry again.
  6. This month is the first month I've had in years where like, I don't have money for rent if it was due today. I'm banking on the assumption that I WILL have it by the end of the month. I now realize how much that says about how far I've come in life where that's something that I haven't really had to think about in a long time. I think the last time I didn't always have at least rent money in my bank was like... 2015? It's easy to lose touch with the fact that this is how most people exist all the time. It feels naked and vulnerable. Like I could break my leg tomorrow and I would be royally fucked.
  7. I've been reading/watching a number of opinion pieces recently about how the Russian military being so badly exposed is pretty much guaranteed to see a number of new conflicts erupt in the Caucasus and Central Asia. There won't be anyone to keep the peace between Armenia/Azerbaijan or been the -stans (it's all but guaranteed they're going to start fighting over water sooner rather than later)
  8. Leave the drama for Sundays where it belongs, folks.
  9. Texas has been two elections from turning blue for the last 10 elections.
  10. I wouldn't get an in-ground pool unless I truly had "fuck you" levels of money. Like $10k/year to maintain it isn't really a big deal.
  11. They work from home 3 days a week, so more like they finally ran out of episodes of One Piece. (Believe me, I work manual labor, I am playing the tiniest of violins)
  12. That's funny. I was just visiting a couple friends of mine who work for Meta. They were both saying that they are already hitting a point where they are struggling to find things to do during the day, then they got the news about a week ago that two MORE people were being added to their team. Tech companies operate in bizarro world where money means nothing until it suddenly does, then a bunch of people get laid off, then they go right back to money meaning nothing again.
  13. There's a long tradition of Oregon D's generally despising their Democrat governor, as well as Portland D's despising the mayor. Its not that surprising that they can't galvanise much enthusiasm. The next Democrat candidate for Oregon governor could probably run as a straight up socialist and they'd probably win no problem. Then again, the main issue people have is homelessness. The Republicans say they're going to "clean up the streets" (by... what... making homelessness illegal? Something tells me the people living on the streets don't particularly care) whereas the Democrats just don't do anything about it. That scores major points for Republicans
  14. Obviously. I meant more do you err on the side of "yes" or "no."
  15. Personally, I pretty much operate on the principle of "it's a lot harder to repeal a bad law than it is to enact a good one," so I generally tend to vote "no" if there's even one thing that gives me misgivings about it. When you pass a ballot measure, vague language can mean everything. Anything not spelled out by the measure is left up to interpretation by the state legislature. There are plenty of times where I personally agree with the goal that the measure is trying to achieve, but the language leaves entirely too much up to interpretation. So, yeah, I generally vote "no" unless I'm confident in every aspect of the language.
  16. @Biggie"this topic is stupid and you're a bitch" There you go, no need to add your two cents now
  17. I feel like I've been tempered in some ways. Like with the death of Aaron Carter, I would have probably reacted with detached "eat the rich" energy if you asked me 10 years ago. Now it makes me sad. I think it makes a difference when you've experienced real loss. Unless you're a psychopath, the first couple times that you lose someone that *really* hurts changes your outlook on life, and not always for the better. That's why I say I've been tempered in *some* ways. In other ways, I'm more angry than I ever was when I was younger. But it's more like a seething, underneath anger. Basically I feel like my empathy has increased at the same rate as my righteous rage, and sometimes it makes me feel like I'm going to pop.
  18. His life is pretty tragic, honestly. Like, you think of rich people as "I wish I had their problems," but in the case of Aaron Carter... I truly do not wish I had his problems. He basically spent his whole life as a glorified slave until the system used him and spat him out, and when he wasn't of use to anyone anymore, he was abandoned. He truly had a life in a gilded cage. And then people wonder why he was so fucked up.
  19. He was either allegedly raped by Michael Jackson and/or they just bro'd down about their lost childhoods while he did drugs at MJ's house, depending on who you ask. (The drugs part is real, Aaron Carter said himself that he was doing drugs at Michael Jackson's house when he was like 11)
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