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Everything posted by Dre801

  1. I pulled Mad Max off Game Pass a few months ago and put some time into it. It was an adequate game, but I knew it was something that I wouldn't play until the end credits.
  2. You are right. I pop them with guns until they're flashing orange, then I finish em off. Saves ammo.
  3. I keep forgetting about the chains saw. It wasn't until I was pretty far into the game that I realized what the gas cans were for.
  4. Finally watching. Trish needs to chill with the "I'm a hero," shit. I didn't think they could make her any more annoying.
  5. Already have plans to get the 12 core 3900X for my new build.
  6. I'm an older gamer who has been playing this recently. I've mostly played adventure games and Western RPGs for years. I'm so not used to games like this these days. I'm enjoying it, but damn you never stop moving. It definitely reminds me of old school Doom.
  7. Doom 2016. Also played around with the Playstation Classic I got the other day; the damn things are like 29.99 now . That's a 70 dollar price drop. SMH.
  8. When they talk Ray tracing for next gen, I'm sure we'll get some nice lighting and reflections, but it is also gonna be used for audio which is way less intense.
  9. Extinction Age - The Extinction Cycle Book 3. If you're into post-apocalyptic stuff, this is turning out to be damn good.
  10. Played some more Shenmue and Doom(2016) - polar freaking opposite games, lol.
  11. Zero interest and the day this becomes the main way to play games, that's the day step away from gaming.
  12. Cheap HDR often mean faux HDR and not having enough nits to really pull it off.
  13. Iron Fist Season 2 was. . . .eh.. . .well, the fight choreography was better. I didn't really give much of a shit about what was going on though.
  14. I've read reviews ranging from "It sucks" to, "It's a fitting end.". Guess I'll find out.
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