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Everything posted by GeneticBlueprint

  1. I get it for free through my mobile provider. Otherwise I'd cancel. Wait, no. I wouldn't. The Great British Baking Show is releasing new episodes weekly.
  2. I've always wanted to get a jury summons but I never have.
  3. ‘Frasier’ Revival Is an Unfunny, Uninspired Dud WWW.ROLLINGSTONE.COM Paramount+ series brings back Kelsey Grammer’s Frasier Crane and supplies him with some very cringe jokes.
  4. For sure. I just meant that while interest rates aren't lowering prices in my area they're at least keeping them relatively flat.
  5. The house next to me listed for 625k. It sold for 500k a week ago. That's not driving them down but that's how much I bought my house for a year and a half ago.
  6. Star Wars is my favorite media franchise/IP/whatever. I enjoy pretty much every movie, show, video game, book or comic at some level. And its best material is IMO some of the best sci-fi/fantasy storytelling and filmmaking ever. So I know the dizzying highs it's capable of and would like it to reach those heights when it shoots for them. When it doesn't reach those heights I'm going to criticize it. Plus half the fun of pop culture shit is discussing it on the Internet! :P
  7. First, some overall thoughts on the state of the Star Wars universe. It seems like there are three tracks in this universe that I'll just label A, B, and C (not an indicator of quality just a label) A-track: The kid friendly stuff. i.e. Clone Wars, Rebels, Resistance, The Phantom Menace B-track: Meant for general audiences. i.e. Mandalorian, Boba Fett, most of the films C-track: Not necessarily for adults but caters to them more heavily. i.e. Tales of the Jedi, Andor, The Last Jedi, Rogue One These aren't hard and fast rules but just casual observations and generalities. There's a lot of AB crossover and BC crossover, but very little AC crossover. I think this concept works pretty well for the most part. And I enjoy things at varying levels on all three tracks. And I've enjoyed everything that's squarely on the C track. Star Wars is so big that I think this multi-track approach is the best way to handle this IP. One way I think this breaks down for people is when they try to consistently force an AC combo or combine all three tracks. While I enjoyed Mandalorian season 3 for the most part, a lot of its detractors' arguments are rooted in this issue. And I think it's my primary issue with this Ahsoka series. For every depression fuel Anakin vision moment (C) there's an Ezra stopping the army sent to kill him by saying "Wait!" Saturday morning cartoonish buffoonery moment (A). The show also seems to require a pretty developed knowledge of two cartoons I've only seen once through. Why not just make a Rebels season 5 and stay on that A track? Especially since I need to have seen that entire show to know what's going on here? I've seen every Star Wars thing and read lots of the EU stuff but I was still having to go look a bunch of shit up to remind myself when watching this show. But beyond that, it was also 1:1 on Thing/moment I loved : Thing/moment I didn't love for pretty much every aspect of the final product. Beautiful cinematography and color schemes : Muddy VFX in many places Deep dives into protagonists and their motivations and origins : Still know next to nothing about any of the villains, who seemed really fucking cool so that's a real shame Cool and interesting on-screen appearance of an IP staple in one ep : Deus ex-machina rescue of a protagonist in a predicament by another IP staple off-screen Some really great acting by a lot of the supporting cast : Titular character's actor could not be any more dry or one-note I will say though, like I mentioned in another post, the lightsaber fights in this show in particular and in the Disney era in general are just the best. So fun to watch even in their goofiest moments because they actually feel extremely dangerous. So overall I'm not "down" on the show. Just "meh" and I really hope season 2 can correct a lot of the things I outlined. Because it was just a bunch of table setting where not a lot happened overall. Those last three episodes feel like they could have easily combined into one (likely lengthier) episode.
  8. I’ll take “Weak bitches who quit because of a loud minority instead of moderating their own positions even slightly for $100”, Alex Ken
  9. One had (infinitesimally small) hope that McCarthy might have a come to Jesus moment and bargain with even a handful of the most centrist and right leaning Dems but he can't even do that. So... get fucked I guess.
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