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Everything posted by GeneticBlueprint

  1. So how is everybody liking it? I want to get it but I'm in "save money for gifts" mode. But maybe some awesome impressions will convince me to be a little selfish.
  2. Reporter Jim Acosta’s White House credentials temporarily restored after judge grants CNN’s motion against Trump administration https://wapo.st/2KftyXn
  3. God people are the worst. I didn't go see Spider Web Girl yesterday because I saw that other seats near the row I wanted had already been taken. Fuck people.
  4. Naturally then, there's only one logical choice for her going forward: run for President.
  5. If she has a dresser that she's putting them in I'm going to blow a fucking gasket.
  6. You've got to read this insane story about Jered Threatin--who faked a promotion company, live performances, management, record label, and... well everything really--to book a tour of Europe with his metal band "Threatin". Surprise! Nobody fucking showed up because you don't have any real fans. Hired musicians and venues are pissed. And it gets more interesting because he has a history of doing the same thing. The very end of this story is particularly sad. Video from the only show on the tour that wasn't cancelled... the first:
  7. I doubt they throw out many votes or any at all. I also doubt that this was even Mia Love's idea. She's getting pressure from Trump acolytes.
  8. Mia Love (R) is suing to stop ballot counting in the county where the gap is likely to widen in her opponent's favor.
  9. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/11/12/clinton-aide-2020-run-983684 https://www.wsj.com/articles/hillary-will-run-again-1541963599?mod=searchresults&page=1&pos=5 From the Politico piece: May God have mercy on us all. She has not announced, obviously. But the talk around it is making me nervous.
  10. What's the organization that grades your democracy? We have to be like a D+ right now.
  11. I've worn contacts and had lasik but this still gets a "kill it with fire" from me.
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