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Captain Pickle

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Everything posted by Captain Pickle

  1. OF COURSE NOT! I was most certainly joking BUT I popped it in and was super hyped and know that games like these generally have excellent openings. So my wife, who doesn't really like videogames but likes somewhat watching me play R* games was interested in seeing the beginning too. turned it on and was like, it'll get great soon!!! the opening wasn't the jaw drop I was hoping for nor does it need to be. I'll report back once I've played at least 30 mins lol
  2. was going to say exactly this. I know what I'm watching this weekend.
  3. PICKLES!!! Also American cheese with egg on an English muffin is acceptable.
  4. #MACGA Also, I generally prefer real cheese but sometimes I'm down with a processed cheese grill cheese. Mixing in velveta into a mac n cheese recipe is a super move! Just don't tell anyone
  5. I figured as much. So we are basically getting it at the same time. By the time I download it will be midnight!
  6. you bummers are making me have buyers remorse before even buying it!
  7. your gamestops aren't selling it early (ie 9pm) tonight???
  8. urgh. picking it up at 9PM tonight and immediately download so I can play it after work on Friday. Stupid but not suprising I'm doing this. I've really been itching for a new game but not really a western but I know I'll love this. Just finally finished Batman AK and then went back to God of War and finished it up (absolutely loved the ending but glad I paused it for a bit to play batman) then finally convinced myself to relearn Witcher 3 to play the expansions. I'm almost done Heart of Stone and will try to get it mostly done tonight and was planning to get into Blood/Wine but guess I'll relearn Witcher 3 again in 2019. I AM DUMB
  9. I never understand the time of year for anything these days. Summer I'm off summering. If I ruled the world early October, December and late February would be when the best movies and video games come out. That's when I'm itching for both the most. Summer has always been for shitty movies and kids blockbusters that are slightly shitty. Spring would be fine too. Basically, there are plenty of times when I think people want to go to movies. For me, its cold and crappy out. Movie escapism fits the bill.
  10. yeah, but who ever uses cruise control, turn your head to park, and wear a jacket in the winter!
  11. I find it happens all the time with the soy coffee creamers too. Not moldy but floaty bits.
  12. lol that works on many levels. Well done Get it, well done like a steak!!! yeah I suck
  13. I watched half of the first season. Somehow watched all of Coven and that's it for me!
  14. I dunno. I was fuggin with you in the end and you're one of my fav posters. I DONT KNOW WHATS WRONG WITH ME. I HATE EVERYTHING THESE DAYS!!! sorry
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