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Captain Pickle

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Everything posted by Captain Pickle

  1. I made a rule long, long ago. Pretty much after Seinfeld. If it has a laugh track... it sucks
  2. You're right. The wrong side does do this all the time. The right side doesn't do this. They just don't do anything.
  3. lol. What is wrong with me. I know better. I just rented it this weekend and totally forgot to fastforward to the end credits scene, lol. So weird. Didn't even think about it. I think it's cuz I was caught off guard since the ending was so abrupt. remember saying out loud "what da fuq"
  4. I only played Arkham City but I loved that one. Knight is both a step forward and back. All the things from City are there and somewhat improved upon. The addition of the Batmobile would have been great if there wasn't just so damn much of it. I don't mind the tank battles so it doesn't bother me as much as some but I could see given the amount how some were displeased. The opening scene did really grip me though. Like the music and the story seems good. If you liked City, I see no reason why you wouldn't like Knight. Plus, its puuurdy!
  5. It's ok, NuBlood's stupid and doesn't understand the ramifications of what he's saying
  6. continue playing Arkham Knight and possibly finish up Zelda: lttp God I'm itching for something new
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