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Everything posted by Air_Delivery

  1. I dunno about anyone else but if you prop up evil, that makes you just as evil. Its funny to me how people are shocked pikachu facing over the thing they helped create. Its like getting blown up by your own homemade bomb and then blaming the bomb. Yeah Hamas is evil but Israel got exactly what they asked for.
  2. It will be interesting how the "moderate" Republicans that voted for him try to explain this to their voters. I think its gonna wipe out the last of the traditional types this coming election.
  3. So is this the inflection point where the full realignment of the Republican to the MAGA Party is complete?
  4. Brightness only matters if your room requires it.
  5. Volleyball just because everyone was shit at it.
  6. Republicans in their current state would see giving them something for nothing as weakness. Unless they are willing at the bare minimum to reinstate democrats on committees they should not give them anything.
  7. Built in captive audience. You gotta listen to my bullshit if you don't wanna die from not getting your insulin.
  8. The first Kick Ass was great. Never seen the second.
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