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Everything posted by NeoJoe

  1. Well the Chibnall run has been absolutely horrendous and killed my love for DW so there's that. Not sure if even Davies can breath life back into the show at this point but deep down, I hope so.
  2. My two favorite super heroes as the main players in a movie? Oh hell yeah! That looked awesome!
  3. That final trailer was awesome and now has me super hyped for this movie. I wasn't really sure what to expect from this movie and always wondered how it would tie in and had a bunch of questions but it's now obvious they will go there and more!
  4. This is good news, I guess. Would have been awkward if they couldn't reach a deal and had to recast, eh? lol
  5. I watched the movie again yesterday cause I was bored and the thing at the end: My other opinions are still the same and was right in thinking multiple views do not bode well for this movie. lol\ edit: Oh also, that screen rant video was hilarious and brought up a good point:
  6. I overall liked the movie. I was expecting FAWS level of enjoyment and that's what I got. With the action amped up, of course. I totally agree the casting made this movie. Florence Pugh is fantastic and I can't wait to see more of her. I think I would have liked this movie a lot more if it had released in 2016 after CW but it is what it is. Just glad the movie got made, it was a fun send off for Scarlet. The humor in the movie was great, very Marvel. This is not gonna be a "watch multiple times" like other MCU movies for me because too many questions can be asked that you should turn your brain off for but the biggest thing was...
  7. Today's episode, while still good, definitely felt like a bridge episode and needed to give us some insight of female Loki. Also confirmed some suspicions I had about the TVA that I'm not curious to see how they play out. The last action sequence was great! Movie quality stuff right there. The next two episodes are gonna be bonkers. Either the TVA is gonna show to "rescue/capture" them or the pad Loki showed broken was an illusion and he still has the real one. But their way to power it just exploded so...
  8. I forgot how much of an ADD fueled fever dream this show is. My goodness that episode was something.
  9. I loved S4! it was awesome! Isaac's story was the only one a tad flip floppy but other than that I thought it was solid. Holy shit at the animation this season. They really upped their game. Episode 9 was freaking EPIC!
  10. I loved how the Invincible title screen got bloodier each episode. After watching the finale, I definitely wouldn't let a kid watch this. Holy crap.
  11. That trailer was awesome! I'm pumped for S4. "I wish I could fucking kill you twice!"
  12. Not sure if I missed them explaining it but why was Sub-Zero practically immortal having lived all those centuries?
  13. I finally bit the bullet and got the Ultimate edition while it was on sale. I made sure to download the PS5 version but I can't download any of the DLC including Aftermach or any extra characters and outfits. I keep getting a PSN error. After doing some research online, I tried to restore my license, re-install the game, rebooted PS5 like 9 times, tried to download the content via the store, in game and from the add-on tab to no avail. Anyone have any suggestions please? edit: disregard. after a ton of trial and error. I finally got everything. That was a PITA but all is good now. This game's graphics and animations are insane!
  14. I like the comic accurate costume but personally don't like all the white on the top. I was hoping for something like this render:
  15. My expectations were low but holy crap was that bad. There are like 189 MK characters to pick from and they still made a brand new one for the movie lead and he sucks. And all this talk about the MK tournament and there wasn't even a freaking tournament. lol The last fight was decent at best but this movie overall was hot garbage.
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