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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. Nothing. The long alleged ‘n-word’ tape could come out and his number wouldn’t move a goddamn percentage point.
  2. I’m not interested in this game but I will enter solely for the opportunity to deny it to Kal.
  3. Is it automatic or do you have to opt in? Because I didn’t get any kind of notice from my employer.
  4. They’ll probably just start selling them separately at price points that add up to more than $60, because that would be a very Nintendo thing to do.
  5. That looks really good! It seems to take the best tonal elements of the Brosnan/Craig films and mix them together.
  6. Back when we ordered Wade groceries there were multiple Whole Foods within delivery distance, doesn’t get much whiter than that.
  7. I’m not the biggest NBA fan but CP3 and Russ facing off in a Game 7 is the very definition of appointment viewing. Can’t wait.
  8. Tonight for dinner I think Bacon will have chicken tenders.
  9. Nothing will ever be worse than the PS2 launch. Besides, having a nicer version of Cyberpunk already makes these launches top-tier in terms of quality.
  10. Wade dropping boxes like he's goddamn Crate & Barrel
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