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Everything posted by Derek

  1. You son of a bitch!! Lol. I guess I didn't do that. Just max leveled everyone, finished all the quests and beat the Time Worm or whatever it was.
  2. I used to do a lot of the side stuff, then when I start to get bored, I just move onto the finish. Like Bacon, once I beat the main boss, I usually don't go back for post-game content. DQ 11 was the exception, though, I went back and hard 100 percented that bitch.
  3. Odd. They really seem to be pushing this Grimace thing. I got a Big Mac the other day and it had confetti printed on the box and said 'Grimace's Birthday' or something along those lines.
  4. Yikes. He'll probably end up killing himself. That seems like something that you don't get away from.
  5. I haven't watched it in years, but 'Deep Rising' used to be a huge guilty pleasure of mine. R.I.P.
  6. I'm sure you've all heard the story and watched the body cam footage by now. Elaborate hoax or definitive evidence of extra terrestrials? I'm still skeptical and until an actual alien comes down and anally probes me, I will remain so.
  7. I don't think I understand the context of this story in this thread (not a big SF guy), but if this story is actually 100% true, that 13 year-old is the ultimate fucking MVP. Absolutely incredible.
  8. The title picture of that 'sneak peak' looks like some leather clown daddy is sexually assaulting new Captain America.
  9. So is @Keyser_Soze ! https://www.dayonepatch.com/topic/18033-sympathy-for-the-devil-starring-academy-award-winner-nicolas-cage-july-28-2023/
  10. I meant naming the action not doing the actual penetrating.
  11. Yeah. I don't even really know. I love almost everything cheese related, minus Blue Cheese and that's why I keep going back to try it.
  12. I really want to like it. I'll try a spoonful 2 or 3 times a year, thinking 'I'm going to like it this time', but alas, I never do.
  13. I never really got into Futurama and I don't know why. It just never really grabbed me in the same way as early Simpsons, early Family Guy or King of the Hill did.
  14. Google should've just nuked what it wanted and then said "Shit, our servers just fucked up". It's easier to ask for forgiveness than beg for permission. Although, I don't think they're asking for permission. I understand both sides of this. Even if they just delete videos with less than 100 views from uploaders inactive for 2 years, they would free up a huge amount of space. Also, they could get rid of all the ice bucket challenge videos.
  15. Wow. I'm guessing it was a closed casket ceremony. R.I.P. finally.
  16. I don't know why I even remember this, but didn't @stepee or someone else call what, allegedly, happened a 'mormon dip' lol. Edit: Might've been DGH. Kind of sounds like him.
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