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Everything posted by chakoo

  1. I would like to say it's going to be fun watching him fail but it's kind of getting a bit repetitive already. *shrug*
  2. It’s kind of irksome to act like there is only two instances of this happening from our representatives. I’m sure if we took the time to look through past events we’ll find more. Like hell I’d consider pelosi’s hello moment one.
  3. I'll man up and say it What about looking at the bank account after a buying spree?
  4. It takes "Courage" to piss on your customers while not giving a fuck what other companies do on your platform. With exception to them trying not to pay their fees.
  5. If they're all bernie's age then it would be a No from me. This is very much an age thing for me, not person X that I like. I don't feel someone who is the same age as my parents (70s), or hell even me to an extent knows or understands what people in the 20s & 30s are going through right now and are dictating dated policy that will continue for years as if things haven't changed in the last 40 years.
  6. I've been reading good impressions on it. I might have to check it out (need to find out which streaming platform has it in canada).
  7. I'm fine with this. They're doing a bang up job of showing how chaotic and disorganized they are in the process. While the dems continue to have in fighting with some of their better members as they let the republicans drag them to the right in an effort to be civil/moderate.
  8. I'm just going to get this out there first but I'm an ageist. Both parties need to stop putting old people in place. I don't care if it results in worse people being put in, the main thing is them being there is blocking others from being able to move up. The dems are horribly guilty of this as good, younger, qualified people are being kept out over someone not willing to retire.
  9. It was already pretty expensive when they merged the services together and the top tier did not justify it's price. This increase is just crap.
  10. Boomers got to make sure they burn everything into the ground before they croak.
  11. I hope you guys are adding hockey to your banned list. It's can be just as bad as football.
  12. I don't know why but at 1 specific apartment I lived in I would routinely forget my keys in the door and would get friendly knocks from neighbours about it. I never did this anywhere else and it stopped happening as soon as I moved. =/
  13. I should note on the close birthdays. I don't think they will be a huge issue and I think in some years it will be great because we can say maybe go on a family trip to disney as apart of their birthdays. It's more just interesting they are ending up so close together when we never really planned for them to end up that way. We're more focused on making sure that the older one won't feel left out over the coming months with her new sister arriving.
  14. Man I'm so close to giving up on Dangandrompa V3. I'm in the last part of the game and I keep hitting a brick wall with one of the mass panic battles. It's just ****ing frustrating on the switch port, I'll get my reticle right on the text and fire yet some how by the time the bullet fires I'll be barely 1/2 pixels off from the text and it will miss all while the stupid ****ing reticle is still showing the larger size like it does when you're hovered over text. @)#$*@#&$!()_#$&)(@#&%$@#($&)@#$&#@)(& I've been trying this scene over and over again for the past 3 days and last night had enough and quit the game (luckily the last save point isn't too far back). I had to calm myself afterwards by playing shin chan.
  15. I've been holding off on posting this for a while now but... I have a 2nd miniature clone on the way. She is due to arrive in about a month. This will 100% be the last minion, wife no longer jokes about having a 3rd after going through this one. Kind of crazy the two kid's birthdays will only be weeks apart (sure bound to suck for some years but also good for doing major family trip as a bday gift in some years) and they will be almost 2 years apart in age. At least this go around we have a night nurse so I won't be up all night doing night shift. =/
  16. Did you see the shit in the news recently with people trying to get past cops into a BC fire zone? People are really ***king stupid.
  17. I think people sometime forget there is a tier for different burgers: Fast Food: McD, In-n-Out, A&W Chains: Five Guys, Etc. Gourmet Burgers: Your crazy $20+ high end restaurant Me and my coworker always have a discussion around this when talking Canadian A&W & In-n-Out. They are good for the cheaper fast food chains, Yet aren't the same as a higher end burger chain.
  18. mr subs is crap (every time I’ve had it). The real superior choice (from a chain) is Dagwoods but sadly they’re a Quebec only chain. 😢
  19. I'm sold. My PS5 is collecting dust as it's hard to find time to game in front of the TV but the wife is more ok with me playing my switch before going to bed in the room.
  20. Yeah, Pedo has followed through with his demands in most places and has only walked back or changed the subject when he got serious/legal pushback on them. I do think the removal of blocking would have found their app banned in some app stores or in some regions of the world which is why he backed out of it.
  21. Work for a French company or a company under French management. Me, my PM and the head of Eng for the studio use to grab a drink or two over lunch multiple times a week. We only cut back when we looked at our credit card statements. LoL I’m glad I’m only a social drinker. Thanks to Covid I’ve at most have/had 1 drink a year now.
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