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Everything posted by Joe

  1. Cheesecake is the undisputed king of cakes.
  2. I used to think like this, but honestly a lot of Europe is to the left of the US on fiscal issues but not really social issues.
  3. How does NORAD work? I had read that sometimes Canadian jets are also in American airspace? I don’t think it’s a big deal that we happened to have jets in the area, but I also don’t know what I’m talking about lol.
  4. Right, I did skim it haha. More than anyone but you did probably. But I still thinking talking about two very different viruses like that in the same meta-analysis is confusing and pointless.
  5. It’s almost as though doing a comprehensive trial review of two very different viruses is pointless!
  6. Whole Foods has free range eggs at a cheaper price than regular white eggs at the supermarket near me. If you have a Whole Foods, check it out. 3.49 a dozen.
  7. I love grocery shopping. I only ordered delivery during March and April of 2020.
  8. Questioning a guy’s integrity while making a false thread title sure is something!
  9. Man I’m just coming to terms with people liking pineapple on their pizzas and this mf casually threw the term “teriyaki pizza” out there.
  10. Don’t folks thinks this bill goes a little too far? 16 years old and you don’t need a diagnosis of gender dysphoria? Kind of playing devil’s advocate here to be clear, but I’m curious as this law seems legitimately kind of extreme to me at first glance.
  11. From what I understand, the only real difference is with woks. 99.9% of the population does not know how to skillfully use a wok so it’s pretty irrelevant.
  12. Inhumane and incorrect post. Congrats on the double whammy of shittiness.
  13. Wrap-Up 2022 | PlayStation WRAPUP.PLAYSTATION.COM joethegringo personalized PlayStation® Wrap-Up 2022
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