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Everything posted by Joe

  1. I honestly can’t emphasize enough what a relief it is to see polls put in a great performance. Having a trend where we were just mysteriously undercounting GOP votes was the most frustrating shit ever.
  2. So the remaining Nevada vote leans blue heavily I hope?
  3. Microsoft Edge over here just arrived at the party
  4. Why not both?! Also I don’t feel like it’s dunking, more frustration than anything.
  5. Did you see Tom Bevan freak out on Morris for saying the Senate was a toss up before the night started? Embarrassing stuff.
  6. Elliott Morris: two organizations that the media should now finally stop paying attention to: trafalgar group and real clear politics
  7. Hopefully after this election we never have to hear their stupid name again.
  8. Sean Trende of RCP fame thinks the Dems will probably pick up a seat in the Senate. Unbelievable.
  9. Fetterman with a 73% chance to win PA according to Cohn.
  10. Shapiro is also way better than Fetterman so it’s hard to tell how much of this was Mastriano being terrible vs Shapiro being awesome.
  11. Too lazy to repost the new way, but Elliott Morris just threw some serious shade at Nate Silver in Twitter. How the fuck does Trafalgar have an A-?!
  12. I went in expecting to lose both houses so if we keep the Senate, that will be stunning.
  13. @b_m_b_m_b_m @Jason I voted for a couple of YIMBY’s for my town council.
  14. NJ is far superior to PA but I’ll take Fetterman over Menendez any day of the week.
  15. You don’t piss off someone from the Dirty Jerz, son. We piss each other off enough as it is.
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