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Everything posted by Joe

  1. I feel like that happens in the beginning but once you start liking videos the algorithm changes to suit your tastes.
  2. I have on again off again laryngitis since I got COVID, but I feel like people are blaming every symptom in the world they experience on long COVID so I’m still skeptical.
  3. What’s your take on why type 2 diabetes disproportionately affects minorities and poor folks?
  4. Also I don’t mind if Walker was like “let’s cap insulin prices but also we have to make sure people also eat well. Here are some ideas I have to help make that happen.” But that’s not at all what happened, which is why Fright is getting so frustrated I think.
  5. These are the two biggest takeaways in my opinion. This discussion is stupid.
  6. Albertson’s bought out all the A&P’s in the North Jersey area many years ago and turned them into ACME’s, which are such fucking hot garbage supermarkets it fucking boggles my mind. I always tell people that I’m pretty sure they are drug fronts because they are all empty and yet not one ever closes. I wonder what will happen now.
  7. We just need a Canadian to come in and say that Montreal bagels are better than NY/NJ bagels so we can start a new argument.
  8. In other news, I have left the bodybuilder community.
  9. I’ve been so out of the sports loop this year, but Im going to start paying attention because these Guardians lookin’ spicy af.
  10. Christian Walker plays this ridiculous over the top character as his schtick and it’s kind of fascinating to see him break that character in that video because he’s so fucking pissed.
  11. Fetterman not looking great against the raw asparagus muncher.
  12. True but I see shark for sale all the time in Asian Markets. Not that surprising!
  13. You live in California and you’ve never been in an HMart?
  14. Crab is my favorite probably. Good crab is just unbelievable. Uni is up there as well.
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