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Everything posted by Joe

  1. Hoping the EV6 counts as an SUV for this.
  2. Si señor! Bloomberg - Are you a robot? WWW.BLOOMBERG.COM
  3. It’s already $7,500! Hopefully refundable now.
  4. The bill is good and necessary. Ignore the folks that will not be satisfied with anything.
  5. Haven’t check this thread in a few months. I see Riley and Jason are exactly the same where I left them
  6. But no one said they should? We’re saying, or at least I’m saying, it’s the only way to make the best out of a shitty situation.
  7. Well there’s lots of good liberals in states like Florida and Texas that would rather stay and fight, which is worthy of respect!
  8. I was just reading this Twitter thread. Now I’m sure many here hate Megan McArdle, but I thought this take was very interesting. I agree that trans men exist (obviously) and that men can get pregnant, but I do think the way Democrats and the left message this stuff sucks right now. Clearly what’s happening right now isn’t working and can easily be twisted by the right to make regular people adopt transphobic positions.
  9. Honestly while she was up there the second time and the limbs started twisting I thought to myself “Let’s see how they wuss out and make this not count.” The show was like “Oh this is for real motherfucker.” Still kind of shocked tbh.
  10. He was extremely fortunate to have had you as his owner. Just know that.
  11. I am once again reminding you all that I worked in a restaurant owned by the the massive seafood company run by the Unification Church and that 70% of the sushi sold in America is from that company. If you eat sushi in the US, there is a good chance you ate Moonie sushi.
  12. Going to Portugal and Spain for a month in August so this is pretty cool. They’re getting wrecked harder than us right now.
  13. Lol he’s making fun of New Haven style because it comes out fairly charred you dorks.
  14. Any New Haven pizza fans here? @Jason?
  15. I can just imagine the mentality of leftists right now reacting to the notion of civil unions before gay marriage was legal. ”It isn’t exactly what needs to happen so it’s worthless and legal gay marriage will never be a reality. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.”
  16. Better than “omg everything sucks I’m going to bitch about it on the internet and maybe kill myself.”
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