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Everything posted by Brick

  1. If you can make billions of dollars while still giving your employees great pay, good benefits, unionization, and without exploiting them, you don't cheat or find loop holes with your taxes, you give generously to charity and other worthy causes, and do generally try to invest your wealth to improve the lives of others and make the world a better place, then sure be a billionaire, but I've yet to really see anyone do that so... The only person I can think of who didn't scam their way to the top would be JK Rowling, who wrote a popular book series, and made billions off it without exploiting anyone, but she's also turned out to be a massive transphobe, so fuck her. Then there's also Gabe Newell, who to my knowledge hasn't been unfair to anyone, and kind of seems to keep to himself, but I bet he could still spend a lot more on things that would help people out.
  2. I'm glad they didn't kill Soldier Boy because it leaves the door open for Jensen Ackles to return someday.
  3. Guess I missed whatever was posted. I've never understood the purpose of alts to get around a ban, and posting with people who very clearly don't want you around. How sad and pathetic. As for Chappelle, what a sad and pathetic twerp. Oh no the kids hurt your feelings? I don't know, David, how do you think trans people feel constantly being the butt of your, and others jokes, as well as some people's hatred?
  4. If the plan with Victoria as VP doesn't work out, I can see Homelander running for president, as a "I'll just rule over you myself" type thing, to really sell the Trump analogy.
  5. Wordle 384 4/6* ⬛⬛⬛🟨⬛ ⬛⬛🟨⬛🟩 🟩🟩⬛⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  6. I don't care about emoticons or profile stuff, but if it can get me discounts on games, I'm listening.
  7. I really don't even pay attention to what the cards and gems are used for.
  8. Jason got ripped/burned apart by the fissure. Gruesome way to go.
  9. Can we talk about how weird it was though that some kids barely even out of high school, and some still in high school, were able to go buy guns, and bring them home the same day? No background checks back in the '80s? I'm getting a little more and more uncomfortable with American television/movies fetishizing guns. As much as I love action movies, and the John Wick movies for example, you can't tell me that scene in the second movie when he's getting all the different guns shown off to him, including the fucking AR-15, a gun used in a bunch of mass shootings, wasn't just a bit weird and uncomfortable. American gun culture is too much.
  10. That episode was way too short. It ended and all I thought was, "that's it?!".
  11. I picked up Divinity: Original Sin II, Chivalry II, and Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2. Now I just need people to play with.
  12. Wordle 383 4/6* ⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛ ⬛⬛🟨🟨⬛ 🟨🟨🟩⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  13. America, just copy and paste our gun laws. Not perfect, but certainly better.
  14. They've got a lot to cover in one last episode this season. There's definitely going to be some threads carried over to next season. Wouldn't be surprised if Soldier Boy is brought back for next season, but I think Ackles signed on for another show, so maybe not.
  15. I've always wondered with those if there's a phrase in English that would be like that 🤔
  16. I doubt they would go through the whole season of her getting her powers back in order to fight the Upside Down, only to just lose them all again at the end of the season.
  17. Fenrir should make for an intense boss battle. Hopefully there's more varied boss battles than a bunch of trolls.
  18. Wordle 382 5/6* ⬛⬛🟨⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
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