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Everything posted by cusideabelincoln

  1. Press Start -> type in Powershell -> type in powercfg /a in the command line and make sure S3 is available for your system. If it's only reporting S1 is available, then we have a problem. Aside from something physical you might have done (recheck all of your wiring, and it might be a good idea to re-seat the video card into the PCI-E slot), perhaps when you shutdown/restarted the computer it installed an update that broke sleep mode. Could try a system restore if there is a recent one available.
  2. On top of that, Ashoka also has the smoothest and coolest lightsaber fighting style.
  3. The last 4 episodes are better than most of the actual Star Wars movies.
  4. It's hard to beat the value of Ryzen, but if I had to do my build all over again I would pay the $200 more for the i7 9900k over the Ryzen 3700x because I do a lot of high frame rate gaming and clockspeed really matters here. Ryzen effectively can't be overclocked, or at the very least you cannot achieve clockspeeds faster than their boost modes under normal cooling methods. At the very least I could have broken 5 GHz with an Intel CPU.
  5. But this is Star Wars: The entire point of its existence is to overthink it and then argue about your theories with people on the Internet!
  6. In the process of catching up with the season right now. Just got to episode 5 (Gone with a Trace), the first one with Ashoka, and they threw in an easter egg to A New Hope about Threepio's backstory. So was Threepio fixing the violent tendencies in these droids because he's a boring do-gooder... OR Was he, along with Jar Jar, a secret Sith Master who was reprogramming the demo droids into load lifters for his own personal gain? He could then sell these droids for profit, and then they can cause sabotage! I haven't given the prequels a good rewatch since the release of the sequel trilogy, but I as I reflect back on them I can certainly respect the fact the PT was not like the ST. The sequel trilogy tried way to hard to emulate the first, because at a high level the first, second, and third movies -respectively- hit the same beats. However, the PT has issues that just take me out of the moment - like the terrible acting. And the CGI of Episodes I and II is now distracting. The story that Lucas was trying to tell in the PT definitely works better in the TV format, where the characters have a chance to actually flesh out and grow. I did not believe Anakin and Padme's love story in the movies; there was zero weight and emotion. And I did not really buy Anakin's turn to the Dark side.
  7. I turned on 2FA, but as far as I can tell it's only for your Nintendo Account. The NNID won't have 2FA.
  8. And also the fact everyone is home probably got the same idea of setting up their own home theater streaming service. I have been planning to use one as a 24/7 Plex server/player for a while now; was just waiting on a deal. I should have just gotten one at MSRP, because who knows how long it will be until they are that price again.
  9. Yeah I don't think changing your Nintendo Account affects your NNID. That seems like an even bigger security risk if they were tied that closely together.
  10. I wonder if scalpers are also buying all the new Nvidia Shield Pro, since it uses the same processor as the Switch, because I can't find them near normal price anywhere. Assholes are probably taking advantage of the manufacturing hit from Covid.
  11. So, to change our NNID password, do we have to sign into a WiiU or 3DS to do so? I can only seem to find the Nintendo Account options from the website.
  12. This should be everyone's reaction. But I clicked on someone's social media post about drinking bleach to read the comments by strangers, and this is legitimately how one random person defends Trumps... This way of looking at Trump is what 30+% of Americans must be doing...
  13. Well I didn't get an email and I've definitely bought some stuff from my WiiU, but I don't remember which credit card I used.
  14. Yep, noticeable is really the key. Even an older Core i7 can put up 50+ fps in new games. The older Core i5, on the other hand, has started to not be able to do that the last year or two. So upgrading from the i5 to... anything will be noticeable. But going from better to even better will only matter if you play a lot of multiplayer games and have 120 Hz monitor, and you really want that competitive edge.
  15. For you, today, the difference between the $150 and $400 options probably won't be noticeable in just at most a handful of select games. Your GTX 1070 is going to limit you the most at 1440p.
  16. It would be pretty massive, and set you up in the future nicely. Your CPU benefits would the following: -Core count goes from 4 to 6. -Thread count goes from 4 to 12. -Clockspeed and performance per clock increases Other benefits: -Option of installing a super fast SSD that should match the Xbox Series X requirements, if a game ever needs it. -Option of better CPU upgrades. Currently you can stick a 16 core processor in new mainstream motherboards, and even faster ones are yet to be released that should be compatible.
  17. Yeah, that's a good plan. Realistically the cheapest system upgrade will cost you $400: PCPartPicker Part List CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 3.6 GHz 6-Core Processor ($174.15 @ Amazon) Motherboard: Asus PRIME X570-P ATX AM4 Motherboard ($153.98 @ Newegg) Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3600 Memory ($76.99 @ Newegg) Total: $405.12 Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available Generated by PCPartPicker 2020-04-21 22:27 EDT-0400
  18. Well an i7 should make FC5 playable for you on PC then, lol.
  19. Do you play a lot of Ubisoft games? Because if you did, you might be desperate for an upgrade LOL. Ubisoft games are reeaaaaaaaaaaaallllly demanding on the CPU. Far Cry and Assassin's Creed most notably.
  20. Well with newer games you can expect the framerate to be more stable, so any stuttering or dips you currently see will be lessened. That will be the biggest impact from upgrading the CPU. And it seems like we discussed this before, and you don't overclock currently. If you upgrade to the 4770k and then overclock it, that will be an even better jump. 4770k is a great overclocker, and you have the best motherboard to do it on. As long as you have a decent heatsink you'll break 4.5 GHz easy.
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