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Everything posted by cusideabelincoln

  1. I mean I'm enjoying the cool stuff, but this episode felt like pure over-leveled video game power fantasy, and we could have both a good story and cool shit at the same time... Eh, BoBF had some crazy shit man. Really felt like it was inspired by Solo's "explain everything about this character" narrative, but on a more dope endeavor. How does Boba get his armor back? Oh, let's get revenge on the Sarlac Pit using the coolest explosive device in all of cinema history. Remember the Rancor? Oh, let's bring it back... then have Boba ride it on a rampage through the city. Why does Boba want to be the Kingpin, because he really doesn't care that much? Eh, we get a one-liner from the Ming-Na Wen saying there was nothing else better to do. But I do feel this Obi-Wan show is worse than BoBF. Outside of Ewan McGregor and little Leia, who are both fantastic in what they are doing, the show is horribly bad. It looks much worse than any other D+ show. The acting is atrocious. The dialogue is meaningless and hollow. And the narrative is nonsensical, sometimes non-existent, and confusing - not to mention uncreative as the show is basically ripping off every plot beat from Jedi: Fallen Order.
  2. This and Boba Fett feel like they are created by 6 year olds in the back yard playing with action figures. Shit just happens with little coherent sense for the sole reason of "I bet this would look cool."
  3. /Not as good looking as the Space World 2000 demo.
  4. Didn't Wii Music already do that damage over a decade ago?
  5. This was enough of a fresh take for a Marvel movie that I was thoroughly delighted by everything even if the movie wasn't completely cohesive and fleshed out. I enjoyed the creativity of this movie, and the fact we got to see Dr. Strange do more crazy Dr. Strange magic than he has in any of the other movies combined. Is it coincidence that they wanted Raimi for this because....
  6. I hope they add some of the mini, mini games that Wii Sports had. Baseball sucked in the OG, but I loved the home run derby.
  7. To note, the 12900k is also using DDR5 memory in their tests. The 5800x would be comparatively even faster in most situations if they were using the same DDR4 memory. It's definitely a good budget, high end gaming processor. But if money was not much of a consideration I'd go with Intel for the performance advantage outside of games as well as the updated motherboard platform.
  8. I've tried it with katanas and great curved swords, all which have bleed, and both setups shred. I don't have any other weapons upgraded so you might be right on other setups.
  9. Over 100 hours into the game before I realized dual wielding the same class of weapon opens up a whole new move set, and deals so much damage. I think I'm going to ditch shields because blocking takes so much stamina, better if I just learn to dodge right now.
  10. Heavy handedness was definitely present. I was told to never talk about unionizing at work at all. Also told I should never talk to an outside union rep under any circumstance. And then they would finish off the barrage against unions by saying the company does everything in its power to provide the best benefits to employs and unions aren't necessary. And this tactic must work. I've never heard anyone talk about unions, even if it was something in the news, and no one has ever suggested that we need one despite the fact that literally every single day they complain about the working conditions, and in the past two years chronic injuries have tripled while they continue to demand more production than they ever have.
  11. The HR offices for Walmart actually warn new hires that mentioning the U word is grounds for termination.
  12. Man the game was absolutely brutal until I got to around a level 15 character. After getting absolutely destroyed in Stormveil Castle by literally everything, I grinded through and finally beat most of it. Now when I roam around the rest of Limgrave, with a character level in the 20s,I dispatch enemies much easier. I probably should have explored and grinded more before entering the castle, and I definitely think I permanently lost several huge chunks of runes early on before I realized I needed them to level up my character. Getting more health has been absolutely critical to make the game more fun. Now I just hope to find some badass skills and weapons... and this is leading me to literally explore every square inch of an area.
  13. I tried mouse and keyboard for a bit but seems that you can't quickly navigate items in your pouch like you can on controller, so I'm just going to stick with it. I have been using a Steam controller to try and get the best of both worlds - back paddles for quicker access, mouse like camera movement, and some other custom bindings. Really would like a D-pad for the tactile feel of switching consumables, but now I really just need to grind the game and learn the patterns. I've been stuck on Godrick the Grafted for a day now. There seems to be no way to separate camera reset/lock on binding for either control scheme. I too use auto lock but sometimes it does not switch to the next enemy after I defeat one.
  14. This is my time actually playing a From Software game and I think I've died 200+ times in the <20 hours. Does anyone use mouse and keyboard? I normally use m+k, but thought this game is probably set up for a controller so opted for that first. However one annoying habbit I have is, when trying to re-lock to an enemy when I'm running away from it, is the fucking camera will reset and I'll be looking the completely wrong direction since lock on and camera reset are the same button. I'm about to see if I can unbind camera reset, but really I just prefer mouse camera in general. Is keyboard control intuitive for this game?
  15. You should have me on Steam, good sir!
  16. Guys, it's a trap. He's forging a secret ring to rule you all.
  17. That exact thought went through my mind about halfway through the runtime. A part of that is Batman is not
  18. The only thing that would give TDK the edge over this movie is Ledger's performance. It was just so good and unexpected at the time. But... I think I do also prefer this movie over the Nolan ones, and it probably is the best Batman movie overall. It's the best take on Gotham and the Wayne legacy, Patterson is a phenomenal Batman and Bruce Wayne, the plot is intriguing and not overly-convoluted, just about every bit of dialogue is in service to the characters' motives, and the cinematography is emotional. There's a lot of Batman mythos at work here, and I love how the movie takes all the things we have been shown about Batman in his other movies, perfects them, and then takes the character in the complete opposite direction from when we last saw him - in the Justice League where that version of Batman realizes he has no chance of inspiring hope. I tried, and failed because they were played everywhere, to avoid all the trailers after the first one, because I think they showed way too much for my liking. While the scenes were visually gripping even knowing what was coming, I prefer the surprise of being awed and I felt like I was robbed of that surprise by the car chase scene being shown in trailers. If anything, the only trailer that should have existed for this movie should have been the shot of Batman walking out of the shadows. That's it; that's all it needed: intrigue and word of mouth.
  19. You know exactly what you're doing, and the sad part it's worse than the trolling Jason does. You should also know I really don't like you, so don't ask rhetoric questions. Boring. This is Disney and the story will never be finished because... These series are a now a live action Clone Wars. Every character has something going on and anything can happen now after getting an episode featuring zero Boba Fett in a series dedicated to him.
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