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Everything posted by Moa

  1. I agree with this sentiment. It was very crisp and smooth and they had some cool mechanics in some of the levels but I was often left wanting more as it felt like just as I was starting to get used to some of the more unique mechanics the level ended and it was all jerked away. I feel like I wanted a lot of the levels to be 30% longer and require greater mastery of whatever was going on in the level.
  2. DS 1 never beat DS 2 never beat I honestly don't think these games are for me. I'm fine with a challenge but I always feel so powerless in souls games.
  3. I think LiS: Before the Storm is kind of bad. Without getting into spoilers, the motivations of some of the characters simply don't stand up under any scrutiny, and I found timetravelling teens more believable than some or the stuff that happens in BtS. They did a surprisingly good job with Chloe's character and there were some good moments but the rest of the cast wasn't nearly as compelling as in LiS. Before the storm kept a little of the magic of LiS but missed big time on a lot of other things that LiS did masterfully. I will say the bonus episode, Farewell, featuring Max and Chloe on a pirate adventure was excellent though. I really wanted to like BtS and there are parts I remember fondly, but as a whole I kind of wish I had never played it. So I'd recommend Oxenfree.
  4. I really liked Hereditary but this movie screams "done a million times before."
  5. I'm not risking my hardware for this game. Welcome to the back burner Anthem.
  7. This is sad to see. I feel like Melee was the first game that had a shot at being an "eternal" esport, meaning that it doesn't just cycle in and out on a 3-4 year cycle and can actually establish a sense of history similar to conventional sports. I guess there's always dota.
  8. To be fair, Warframe is a very well-received game that based on my experience requires several hundred hours to learn to "play the right way."
  9. I'll never know since I've been skipping that shit. I don't think Jeff Gerstmann is liking Anthem.
  10. I'm not max level so can only speak to the early parts of the game, but I'm really enjoying it. The minute to minute gameplay is engaging with a fluid and precise movement system and chunky combat. I've been playing the Colossus primarily and it really feels like your attacks and movement have weight behind them, which is unexpected for a loot shooter. The story and characters are forgettable, but that isn't why I came to this game and it really doesn't factor into my impressions of the game. I have some concerns about the longevity of my enjoyment, some of which I think are very fixable and others that are more structural. The first is that the actual loot part of the game could use some reorganization. I haven't gotten deep enough to fully feel the brunt of this but it seems like items that drop have randomized minor bonuses, some of which are more valuable than others, and there is no real way to work towards getting the optimal items beyond getting the same drop again and again until you get the right bonus pair. This is the type of thing that is relatively easy to fix in big content adding patches, so I'm not terribly concerned about it. My biggest worry is that as the game gets more and more difficult it forces the player to play in a more defensive and less interesting style. The game has such a fun movement system and well-thought-out abilities, but it is hard to enjoy them when you're pinned behind a rock waiting for the enemy to finish their attack pattern so you can get a few shots in. It feels like a 6-7/10 game at launch with the caveat that I think the ceiling for the looty-shooty-diablolike genre is about 8/10. It does the important stuff right, is enjoyable in its current iteration, and is as strong a foundation to build on as I have seen in the genre.
  11. Just did the first stronghold on Hard despite seeing the recommendations in this thread. We wiped like 4 times on the bug boss and I could feel people getting frustrated as we wiped earlier and earlier each fight, but on our last attempt, we managed to figure it out and get through the fight without a single player going down.
  12. How are gold coins acquired and can they be used for anything other than cosmetics? I want the big glowing colossus head but don't want to screw myself.
  13. I get being upset that Bioware is moving away from what you enjoyed about their games, but since the initial announcement of Anthem it has been crystal clear what type of game it is going to be. It sounds more like you wanted Anthem to be a game that you would like than you wanted to like Anthem.
  14. I feel like I'm going to buy this game just to spite the critics and then not actually like it.
  15. I'm going to prematurely nominate Anthem for the Rainbow 6: Siege award of this generation, meaning a game released to unrealistic expectations and near universal criticism that rapidly garners community goodwill to the point that everyone forgets about the initial negative coverage.
  16. I would recommend looking into playing The Division, as the dark zone is very similar to what you described.
  17. I'm a big fan of the Wingman so far, it's so satisfying to use and the default sight is dope.
  18. I think there is plenty of room for more good BR games. Shooters will always be in competition with each other so I'm not going to argue that there is no cannibalism, but I think concern about Apex torpedoing firestorm would be like worrying about Halo competing with Gears because they're both deathmatch shooters. I figured that Apex was a source game when I started getting horrible rubberbanding and had flashbacks to playing TF2 on DSL.
  19. I'm definitely enjoying this game a lot. Fortnite is fun and all but it gets tiresome having to play a game of Dance Dance Revolution every time I want to kill someone.
  20. The Night School Studio connection is also encouraging. Their game Oxenfree was excellent and its more fluid real time dialogue system was promising.
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