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Everything posted by TwinIon

  1. While I have some reservations about the idea of space based internet, I do hope they can provide some meaningful competition to existing carriers. If this IPO helps that, I'm happy to see it happen.
  2. I really respect Romney for his vote. There is plenty to chastise him for, but, as he noted, he will suffer for this vote. As far as I can tell, the only reason he voted to convict was out of an actual sense of duty to uphold his oath, a rare thing well worth applauding.
  3. Well, I think the Mulan trailer gives hope that there could be another way. I dislike these movies because they're just doing the exact same thing that the animations were, but in live action. It's not an adaptation, just a remake with different visuals. Every beat is the same, often with the exact same dialog and camera work. I think there's room to tell the same basic story, but in a different way that actually acknowledges what the new medium does to the story. Maybe Mulan will do that, maybe not, but either way I think it could be done.
  4. Don't worry, it'll all become so much more clear when USB 4 arrives and brings with it three speeds and the option of Thunderbolt 3 compatibility. That's interesting. I've been following CFE because I've been waiting for Nikon to update my camera's firmware to support it. It's so new, used in so few devices, and offers basically no benefit in those devices, that there is no demand for it yet. Still, the performance potential is off the charts, so it's going to slowly become the memory card format of choice for high end cameras. Emphasis on the slowly. High end cameras don't come out that often, and even when they do they don't sell in significant quantities. If the Xbox SX does support CFE, I think it would almost immediately make up the majority of all CFE compatible devices ever sold. I'd love it if the Xbox were the thing to bring prices down to a reasonable level.
  5. The one thing about that video that does ring true is that I've been surprised about how little fuss has been made about Pete being gay. I don't think it should be a big deal, but I also think that if he was the nominee, or even the front runner, I can easily see Trump tweeting about it or Fox News making some tasteless remarks pretty regularly. Him being gay basically left the news cycle by the time people figured out how to say his name, but I doubt it would stay that way if he gets much more traction and became a real threat.
  6. 538 also had Biden at ~26% of the vote. If he gets less than 15% and isn't in the top four, that's pretty bad. Still, @osxmatt has a point about Super Tuesday. 538 currently gives Biden the lead in SC, Texas, NC, VA, TN, AL, OK, and AK. He's second to Sanders everywhere he's not in first. Still, it's very early. We've seen so many candidates drop out already so I understand why someone might feel like we're well along in this process or that any of these early states could be a knockout punch, but I don't think that's the case for the top 3 or 4.
  7. Lol. As someone who has distributed apps this way, doing it without complete control over the device was always going to be a disaster. Asking random people to set up an enterprise cert to get an app is just madness.
  8. I've seen a number of reactions that basically amount to "well, at least this will be the end of caucuses," that somehow forget that in 2012 the GOP result wasn't finalized for two weeks. I would be happy to see everyone just go to a normal primary vote, but I would still be shocked if the end result of this whole mess is that Iowan's decide to fix a broken system that also gives them a wholly unique focus every four years. Especially when changing to a primary would setup a confrontation with NH state law that basically requires them to go first.
  9. Yep. Turns out that if you can't emote, emotion is difficult to convey. The uncanny valley in this film wasn't the gulf between CG and photo realism (though that was occasionally noticeable), but the disparity between the emotion in the voice acting and what the characters could show. Dial back the realism a bit and you get there. I really don't know what the photo realism was meant to add to this film, other than a technical challenge. The voice acting was overall pretty darn good. It's been a while since the original, but if you dubbed this cast over the animated one, I'd be happy with that movie. The actual result however, is bizarre, unnecessary, and (notably) a box office smash.
  10. Hell. They recorded the stage production in 2016. I'm guessing they're not going to do a whole lot to it other than some camera movements.
  11. The BAFTAs and the WGA awards were this weekend, marking the end of the pre-Oscar awards. Parasite and Jojo Rabbit won the big awards at the WGA, which means there's a real chance for "Academy Award Winner Taika Waititi" to be a thing. 1917 won the BAFTA for Best Film, Director, Cinematography, Production Design, Sound, and Visual Effects. Those wins really cement it as the front runner for the big Oscars. At this point it seems likely that the Oscars follow suit in most of the other major categories. Renee Zellweger for Actress, Joaquin Phoenix for Actor, Laura Dern and Brad Pitt for supporting, Ford v Ferrari for editing.
  12. Disney is going to release Hamilton as a feature film on October 15, 2021. The film is being described as a “leap forward in the art of ‘live capture.'” It explains the live capture method as “combining the best elements of live theater and film,” resulting in “a cinematic stage performance that is a wholly new way to experience Hamilton.” The original Broadway cast filmed the production in 2016. As someone that really enjoys musical theater but hasn't been able to see the show, I'm happy to finally get a chance that doesn't require hundreds of dollars per seat.
  13. After watching Aladdin and Lion King I've really felt like these remakes were at best, unnecessary. This continues to look like an actual take on the story and not just a beat for beat remaster, so I'm in.
  14. I don't think so. I believe that Villeneuve's films will only cover the first book, and we also know about the Bene Gesserit series, though it's unclear what events it will follow. It seems like Warner is intent on making Dune into a larger media property, but I imagine that it largely rests on the success of these first goes. If they take off, I wouldn't be surprised to see either an HBO Max series or additional films, but as much as I love Dune, I wouldn't personally bet on it being a big money maker.
  15. My first instinct is that this is a really dumb move that will have some dramatic unintended consequences. Still, reading just how bad it's getting indicates that some kind of drastic steps were needed. The Times references a study from 2017 that showed Berlin as having the largest year over year jump in rental prices worldwide, going up 20.5% from Q4 2016 to Q4 2017. Compare that to the 9.3% rise in San Francisco (the top US city on the list). They mention that 60k new residences will be constructed, but also note that the population has grown by 250k from 2012 - 2017. So their building rate can't keep up with their population growth, and now they're going to implement something likely to prevent more construction. In similar news, CA just killed off SB 50, a bill that's been circulating for a while that would have opened up density restrictions state wide. Failed by 3 votes.
  16. If Congress fails when the trial isn't fair, maybe as one of the very few people capable of making the trial fair, you should push for it. Such a small amount of courage is necessary from such a small number of people.
  17. I've read Dune a few times, and really enjoyed my most recent re-read, but I've never gone any further. Getting hyped for this movie makes me reconsider.
  18. Most of those have a RT score over 50%. Man, I forgot how critically panned the original release was. The DC is a good film.
  19. The deal maker President in action. Not that Trump could ever get the Palestinians to sit down at a table with him. At the same time this is happening, Netanyahu withdrew his request for immunity on corruption charges. Hours later Israel's attorney general filed criminal indictments against Netanyahu. So you've got a US President going through an impeachment trial and an Israeli PM in a criminal corruption case, both facing elections this year. What group could possibly be more ready to finally solve Middle East peace?
  20. For some reason I've been seeing this go around twitter, so let's give it a go: It is actually a bit harder than I expected. I think part of the reason for me is that I just don't see a lot of movies that everyone hates. I've got so little time and I keep up with film news so much that I always have a bunch of really well loved films to watch. The other thing I found is that a bunch of "unpopular" movies that I really love end up having an RT score ~50-60%, so movies like Man of Steel, Cloud Atlas, Spring Breakers, Mother, and Watchmen don't quite make the cut. Then I thought of a bunch that I'd seen recently, but weren't released in my adult life post 2000, Dune, Mouse Hunt, Rat Race, and The Princess and The Cobbler didn't count. So I could only think of four movies that actually fit the bill, and only two of them actually had audience scores that were also below 50%. So here are mine in chronological order: Speed Racer - 40% I feel like this is almost cheating, as it seems the general consensus on this movie has come back around. With an audience score of 60%, I suspect that it's even more popular on this board. Pain and Gain - 50% Yeah, it's not "under 50%," but I'm still going to count it. With an audience score of 47%, I'm at least in the minority of this one, even if it's just barely. I feel like it's Bay's most thoughtful work, even if he didn't mean it to be. It was certainly the film that made me want to see him move away from total bombast. American Ultra - 43% I think the tonal shifts earned this film its poor ratings, but I think it kinda works. It's supposed to be a shock to the system, and it's very well cast. Warcraft - 28% It seems audiences (or at least online commentators), liked Warcraft well enough to leave a 76% positive rating, but reviewers weren't on the same page. I totally get why anyone wouldn't like Warcraft, and I probably have some attachment given how much Warcraft I, II, III, and WoW I've played, but I actually think it does more right than wrong. So, what movies do you guys like that fit the bill?
  21. I just really hope they don't kill the Waynes again and can find an interesting take on the character.
  22. I used to replace it every couple years, but now they seem to last a long time. I also hardly use my laptop as a laptop. It's primarily for work, and while I'm in the office I have it plugged into a dock. I do think that there's a very noticeable difference between something 7-8 years old and something modern. The CPU and storage speeds in particular have gotten much better. I'd recommend going for 16GB of RAM. I'm surprised everything still seems to start at 8GB, especially given how greedy things like Chrome can be. I like having thunderbolt on my laptop, though I primarily use it for docking. It's nice that my dock just has the one cable for my whole desk setup (3x1080p monitors, KB+M, GigE) and also provides the power. With more and more things going USB-C, it's kinda great that you can have one cable for everything. My laptop is kinda power hungry though. If I got a new one, I'd try much harder to find something that drew less than ~60W, that way I could use a whole host of generic USB-C chargers. The one thing I haven't been impressed by is the graphics. I have an XPS 15 that's a couple years old now, running a GTX 1050, and it seems to struggle when I throw much at it. Given the i7-770HQ and 32GB of RAM, I'm pretty sure it's the GPU where it struggles. Not that I've played many games on it. It still seems you really have to go out of your way to get any decent GPU performance in a laptop.
  23. 7-15 hours seems like a nice length for this kind of game. That short length might make me check this out before a few other things that might have been on my list longer.
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