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Court Jester
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Everything posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. I truly did try to find an appropriate "impatiently waiting" animated gif but instead found this. Still I thought it was good and that you should see it all the same...
  2. Exactly so! I was heartened to hear Dice's early thoughts on what can be changed in their current habits of world building to reduce the RTX load and still achieve the same results. IT seems a combination of smart design, driver optimizations, and a little OC'ing might just put me where I want to be this generation! Hype considering an increase!
  3. https://wccftech.com/ray-traced-battlefield-v-runs-sub-30-4k/ Seems Ray Tracing in 1440P is a go! With the right optimization, we might even get some 4K RT this gen! I'm excited!
  4. Yeah, it would make sense to: 1.) Offer what is needed to sell Forsaken to new, curious players and... 2.) Toss players who have there from the beginning some cookies so they don't feel cheated!
  5. Yup! Don't be sad though, in addition to Ray tracing, these cards also perform real time "Tear Tracing" and "Wallet Tracing" functions!
  6. IF true, we are looking at, with proper driver optimization, a potential 40%-50% improvement. Which is typical of a reduction in the die size, in this case from 14nm to 12nm. Everything else is either tech that is too early in its life to be of true benefit currently (ray tracing) or unproven secret sauce (DLSS). Rocky, interesting times ahead, but I'm really happy, prices aside, that something new is emerging on the hardware front.
  7. Why do I feel like their "investigation" will just be typing Trump typing shit into google while Alex Jones explains how the evil liberal corporations will turn us all into commies who serve angry, hairy, lesbians?
  8. Unknown at this time! That said, its running on UE4 so it should run pretty well on most machines as long as you are not trying to push 4K.
  9. jUST WAITING ON THAT PRE-LOAD! This is my first big "Fall" title for 2018!
  10. https://www.guru3d.com/news-story/geforce-rtx-2080-in-timespy-result-set-leaks-titan-xp-performance.html 2080 = Titan Xp performance. Good, good! If so then the 2080ti should edge out the Titan V.
  11. Let’s be reasonable here, SLI support has been reduced to two GPUs only this generation!
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